[light static as the comm clicks open to voice accidentally, almost as if it'd been dropped.
Then, a small, high voice of a young girl can be heard; tremulous, hesitant, confused, and slightly trembly due to cold (and maybe a small dash of fear).]
W-Where am I? Azar? ... Mother?
[ooc: Raven was doing a quick patrol of the City when midnight came and poofed her about six/seven years into the past mentally and physically. Hence, she is tiny, adorable, and ... quite cold right now. Also scared, but she's trying to keep a stiff upper lip about that. :| Action if you want to find her; voice for all else. Approach with some caution though... she doesn't have full control of her powers and what little control she does have at this point is getting shakier by the minute. She won't be zapping anyone if she can help it but? She does fast and she can and will kick you in the shins-- hard.
So, who wants the loli? :>]