Can you guess to whom I refer?

Apr 05, 2009 10:41

****** is an immature petulant child. S/he is incapable of understanding the simplest definition of "Fair Play." S/he has constantly and consistently taken OOG stuff IG and been 'angry' at a player for what their character did. S/he has no idea how to separate IG from OOG and thus, in my expert opinion (based on twenty years of LARPing) has no place in a LARP.

Further, in real life, s/he is a backstabbing, two-faced liar with delusions of adequacy.

S/he whispers things about people behind their backs (in LJ) and then, when called on it, gets upset that anyone would have the audacity to object to hir twisted depictions of others.

S/he out and out lies and makes up things to support hir view that never happened or are absurd interpretations of a real event that s/he has so little knowledge of that s/he can't even get the names of those involved right.

S/he takes unfounded rumors as fact and fills in the gaps with misunderstandings and out right lies.

S/he is a sad little wo/man who really should just go away.

My name is Dwayne and I approve this message.
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