...because every star that I see is brighter than the last.

Sep 07, 2004 13:47

I must update because the last few entries make me look like an angry person.

mm so anyways, the past few days are all that I'm really remembering. sad isnt it?

so its back to school now. uhhhh. yay.
I was definatly amped this entire summer for school, but now that its started and my classes suck, I wish it would just end. I have freshman lunch and only one class with Tina (which I can tell already is going to make me want to drink heavily.)
Enough about school.

Lets talk about this weekend.

Friday I took Tomango to the circus. He's turning 3 in november. What a handful. He bit me :(

Saturday Cindy, Kayla and I went to Jeremys. Had fun. His friend Kyle was there. Hes cool.

Sunday my aunt Cindy and uncle Malachy came over as did Kayla and Jeremy. We walked around with Anthony for a while and then did a whole lot of nothing.
Still somehow very much fun.

Yesterday I went to the mall and then to Jeremys. <3333
I'm so happy with the way that things are right now.

Last night I was talking to Tina forever. She just makes me feel so good. We relised that the entired time that we were on the phone we talked about the simple joys of life... you know, diet peach snapple, showers, and putting on make-up. If I did that with anyone else I would feel RE-TAR-TED. G-d, I love her.

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