Master Fic Post Page

Jul 27, 2020 13:07

Master Fic Post Page

Here will be the direct links to the different writings/one-shots/universes/etc. I will try arrange things in their chronological order when I can. I anticipate a lot of stand-alone complexes. I try to write each chapter of chaptered fics as stand-alones as well. I'll try to label things by pairing if any. Right now everything is Narutoverse. Anticipate an epic length WWII fic one day.

::Seasons in the Sun::
.:Food for Thought:.
Phish Phood [G, kakairu, pre-relationship, philosophical/slice of life]
      Summary :: Iruka finds himself wandering through an old district of Konoha and finds himself at the ancestral Hatake estate. He finds out Konoha's Copy Nin is seeking a bit of redemption in this old life of his. They connect over feeding fish in the autumn.

Phish Phood Vignette [G, kakairu, friendship, philosophical]
     Summary :: Iruka comes upon Kakashi feeding fish. He meets a deeper side to his friend and finds it worth emulating.

A Flashy Entrance [G, gen, ward!fic with OCs]
     Summary :: The night Hatake Kakashi was born, there was a massive storm.

::Between You and I::
When We Were Young [G, somewhat Kotetsu-centric gen, chibi!Gaiden, with OCs]
     Summary :: Against expectations, Kotetsu, Izumo, and Iruka gain summons. A look at Kotetsu and Izumo's sisters' genin team to explain the next chapter.

Kakashi's Secret Addiction [G, kakairu, pre-relationship fluff, the mildest of crack]
     Summary :: Our two favorite senseis have a secret between them.

Gai and Kakashi's Monster Movie Madness [PG, gen with kakairu fluff, crack]
     Summary :: Gai and Kakashi’s monster movie marathon yields some cracky misadventures. Inspired by seeing KR at the start of a crossword puzzle hint: “Movie monster, six spaces”

Makeup Counter Mishaps or Makeup Counter Mishaps [PG, kakairu fluff with a long dip in the nile, AU!crack]
     Summary :: Kakashi and Iruka are college students and working at a pharmacy/market that is just crazy. Iruka comes to the inevitable conclusion that the building makes everyone gay.

The Magnificent Green Beast [PG, gen, literature!crack]
     Summary :: Iruka as Queequeg. Kakashi as Captain Ahab. Gai as Moby Dick. Partly inspired by Queen Anne’s Revenge, I.e. the Black Pearl from Pirates of the Caribbean which is close by.

Shinobi Dating Protocol [PG, kakairu crack!fic, too long for an actual Formspring fill]
     Summary :: Iruka trips over a wounded Kakashi one day and ends up being forced to be his hospital buddy. He forgets that hospital buddies are essentially dating couples in the shinobi world. Too bad no one else forgot that little fact.

The Mother of All Anti-Toxins [or] The Search for MAAT [PG, kakairu, requested!crack]
     Summary :: Tsunade gets annoyed when a sudden influx of poison victims interrupt her binge drinking. She decides to make everyone else suffer along with her by sending her villagers haring off on a bogus mission to find a fabled "Mother of All Anti-Toxins". Somehow a tricky cat gets involved, derailing the "MAAT" mission. Iruka unwittingly finds himself tangled up in the affairs of cat and man [and his dogs too!] And who said anything about "joint custody"?

One Wild Night [G, crack!from school]

.:Holiday Headaches:.
Day One >> Oh, Christmas Holiday Tree [PG, for thought violence]
     Summary :: Set after the first movie, Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow. Kakashi returns from his mission to Snow with the introduction to an odd new holiday. He decides to inflict it upon his reluctant friend, Umino Iruka.

Day Two >> God Bless Ye, Merry Gentlemen Gingerbread Men [PG, for silly violence]
     Summary :: Kakashi ruins Iruka's day off by pestering him to help him make gingerbread using a recipe he got from a Snow Country child, which they learn the hard way is not ginger and bread mixed together. What's missing? Any kind of success.

Day Three >> Let It Why Is There Snow [PG, for swears in Japanese courtesy of Naruto's mouth]
     Summary :: A winter storm blows through Konoha and Kakashi invades Iruka's home to steal his place at the kotatsu. He invites Naruto and Sasuke as part of his invasion team and brings... CHOCOLATE! This time, they get it mostly right.

Day Four >> Jingle Silver Bells [PG]
     Summary :: Iruka gets another bonus day off because of the blizzard wrecking Konoha and learns how annoying bells really are. And everyone suffers from Naruto's farts. That is just unfortunate.

Day Five >> Little Drummer Mochitsuki Boy[s] [PG, for more swears]
     Summary :: Kakashi and Iruka try to have a mochitsuki [mochi making] session with the boys. Who keeps letting them have these ideas?

Day Six >> Deck Wreck the Halls [PG]
     Summary :: Pre-New Years cleaning... It's not what it used to be.

Day Seven >> Yule Shoot Your [Other] Eye Out [PG]
     Summary :: The epic clash of the Shabu Shabu King and the Nabe King... Things get 'splodey when ordnance fireworks get involved.

Day Eight >> Jet Black[out] New Year [PG, they drink]
     Summary :: Our motley group goes to the shrines for New Years blessings and fortunes. They end up drinking a lot of sake.

Day Nine >> Grandma We Got Run Over By A Reindeer Jounin [PG, they has the potty mouths]
     Summary :: Mornings after are such a bitch, especially with a smug and perky jounin running around.

Day Ten >> We Three Kings Apologize [PG, with bonus octopus!]
     Summary :: Kakashi, Iruka, and Gai have to apologize for assaulting, well, everyone.

Day Eleven >> The Big Heist Sale [PG, more silly chases]
     Summary :: Kakashi and Iruka dodge, well, everyone and plan the ultimate distraction-a fukubukuro [lucky pack] surprise sale.

Day Twelve >> I Saw Mommy Daddy Kissing Santa Claus My Other Daddy [PG, bored Iruka leads to snooping]
     Summary :: Iruka finally gets a little peace and finds that things are too quiet. There's... There's finally a kiss?! Sort of.

Day Thirteen >> You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch Iruka-sensei [PG-13, for teh smooches! ...FINALLY?!]
     Summary :: Iruka gets Kakashi back for the mistletoe trick.

Title :: Midsummer's Night Dream [PG-13, AU, swears mostly]
      Summary :: AU. Written in response to beasiesgal 's kakairu_fest contribution, night version, and also as an excerpt from a future fic inspired by the day version. Summers were relatively carefree when you were a country boy. Kakashi has a dream he never thought he'd dream. Then wakes to a reality worse than any nightmare.

Filled Prompts
Sepia and Ochre P.1 [PG], P.2 [R18+]
     Summary :: Kakashi is a Regency era artist, Iruka, his harried assistant. Kakashi is in need of a muse. Iruka stumbles into that position one late August afternoon. [Written for a prompt with painter!Kakashi and model!Iruka in 1700s Europe, cream-colored silk and candlelight setting]

KakaIru Formspring
Hospital Dating Policy [G, mostly gen, kakairu hurt/comfort]
     Summary :: They dated on Kakashi’s schedule, the hospital their link to all their pains and their joys.

Other Oneshots
And All of Heaven is Hell [PG, oneshot drama, WWII part-fiction, original]
     Summary :: It was a beautiful Sunday morning in paradise, 1941 December 7 when, for a brief few hours, all of heaven turned to hell.


Vocab Learnings
Seasons in the Sun Notes
Other Notes
All WWII notes

naruto, fanfiction, master post, crack!fic, ficticious, kakairu

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