Original Japanese site]
This one looks less retarded than the English version.
I want a set of Necomimi (electro-brainwave activate cat ears) except I'd rather have Usamimi or Inumimi... or would that be Ussamimi and Kennomimi... if we're going along with the changing the names of how things are spelt. >.>
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They're quite expensive and I've been seeing them around. They're produced by
Neurowear and have been popping up on eBay for 2-4x the original purchase price (I should totally buy like 10 and jack up the price on eBay and make myself some moolah) or at conventions. Supposedly they've been released for sale this week in the US but I haven't wandered the mainland US to see this so just take the
LA Times and
Cassandra Khaw at PCworld's word for it.
I sort of wish you didn't have to wander around with that stupid black electrode on your forehead though. I suppose people could wear a wig to cover it up, but really... >.> Could we at least get a clear or flesh-colored version? Or make it look more cyberish so it could cosplay easier? It looks like you're someone working at a drive-thru window but doesn't actually want to talk to the customers. >.>
In the future I hope they can come up with an independently reacting ear rotor system and variable lift so you can have one ear perking up and on ear down or one ear partially perked or cocked.... This is where the bunny thing would be epic (but possibly too heavy? Too complex?)
They do need to change the power system. It's run by 4 AAA batteries which are costly, difficult to access, and heavy. I know compacted lithium ion batteries have a habit of overheating and exploding, but... Still... Alternative, please? The ears alone are 10 ounces so with the batteries that should put you over 1 pound (at least 0.5kg) which is tremendously heavy for something you're wearing all day. Prepare for headaches, cosplayers of the world!