On my way to the US right now.* The program has ballooned a bit: I won't just be talking at Console-Ing Passions in Boston, but also participating in AdaCamp and attending Wikimania, both in Washington DC.
AdaCamp is an unconference about women in open source and other open stuff movements that will take place on July 10-11. The
call for participants specifically said they wanted people involved in fan culture. Given my preoccupation with the possibilities of fanworks as
open source cultural goods or something like it, and my general enthusiasm for open stuff, I'm pretty psyched about this gathering. I know of only a couple of other fannish people who are definitely going, though. Anybody around here?
Right after AdaCamp comes
Wikimania, about Wikipedia and the Wikimedia Foundation's various other projects. I don't have a very personal interest in this one right now, but given how influential Wikipedia is in representing any topic under the sun including the ones I care about, I'm hoping to get more involved. My general interest in wikis has been growing a lot since I started editing Fanlore. After Wikimania, it's
Console-Ing Passions in Boston.
Then I'll take a train across the country to visit some friends and talk shop, "shop" being both research and fic writing; that takes up enough time these days that I'm starting to consider it work. All this means I'll be on the road a lot longer than originally planned, from July 9 until August 9. I'm rather excessively excited about the whole thing. I will have time to read actual books! And write! And see the US, which had better be exactly like in the movies. And I'll be meeting
amanda_violet, and a bunch of other awesome people. Internet time may be quite limited, but I'll try to get back to anyone as soon as possible.
*Win number one: I have to spend a night in Tokyo because my plane to the US leaves from there at an ungodly hour in the morning tomorrow. I realized this at pretty much the last minute, rang the first airport hotel that I found, and reserved a room because their rates sounded pretty reasonable - more than what I'm usually prepared to shell out for a hotel, but nothing outrageous. Turns out it's some enormously swanky place. I'm staring at everything and pressing all the buttons and playing with all the little sachets and generally feeling like a bumpkin, but it's awesome.
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http://unjapanologist.dreamwidth.org/56605.html. Please comment there using OpenID.