Journal name changed from fanficforensics to unjapanologist, please remain calm

Jun 07, 2012 23:51

Public service announcement: I just changed my username from fanficforensics to unjapanologist. The reason for the change is that "Fanfic Forensics" was originally just the title of my Ph.D project meant for the homepage I needed for a scholarship application, but the name somehow ballooned into a whole online identity that got associated with a great many things that were completely unrelated to research (cough). That wasn't really the plan at all. It never felt like a name for a person to me, and that's been bothering me for a long time. Besides, "fanficforensics" doesn't even cover my research anymore; I'm focusing much more on Japanese fanworks and their circumstances than on fic these days, and that focus isn't going to change.

I've been putting off a name change because I do love the alliteration because I was leery of the inevitable period of weirdness and confusion that would follow, but I'll just stop stewing and change it already. As per LJ's renaming options, all comments and posts I've made will just get the new username on them, and typing in fanficforensics will automatically get you redirected to unjapanologist. Links to posts on fanficforensics will be forwarded to the same entries on unjapanologist as well, so there shouldn't be all that much disruption. Apologies if anything does break for anyone - please drop me a note here if there's something odd, and I'll see what I can do. My twitter handle is also unjapanologist now.

Why unjapanologist? It's a pun in several ways. I like it, in spite of the lack of alliteration. It's more personal, a general word for who I am rather than just one of the things I do. It also translates well into Japanese, where it's a different pun (非実在日本学者).

Yes, I'm having fun. Moving along ;)
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