Jan 17, 2008 13:15
I have had all kinds of problems getting ready for Winter semester (started today). I need an elective and the school doesn't offer what I need. My adviser and I have been working on creating a class for me. Our first and second proposals were rejected. The Dean of Graduate Studies suggested the doctoral class on research. I am ok with a class on research, so that issue is resolved.
Two of my other classes have been larger problems. My Computer Forensics class time changed twice. Now, they decided to combine the undergraduate and the graduate classes together. Supposedly, the grading will be different. I have some issues with this idea:
1. Since the classes will be combined, the "advanced" lectures that a master's student should get won't happen because the class has to be geared to undergraduates as well.
2. When the class is combined, how do you grade two different levels of expertise fairly?
Time will tell. I have my first Computer Forensics class today. It will be interesting.
My Advanced Network Security class was canceled as a class and moved into independent study (due to low enrollment). However, the professor that was supposed to teach it was removed because he got a research grant and therefore had his teaching load cut in half. Currently, no professor has been assigned to the class.
It should be noted that these problems are due to various faculty getting research grants. The university has been pushing faculty to fulfill their research obligations. I think they expected the faculty to get the grants starting in the Summer. When faculty get research grants, their teaching load is usually cut in half (provided the grant warrants it). I am pretty sure the class scheduling problems are due to the university being caught off guard.
It should be an interesting semester.