About unblocking attachments
To provide enhanced security, Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 is
designed to prevent you from unblocking attachments.
Because Outlook is so widely used, it has been the target of several
virus attacks in the past that have affected millions of people.
Microsoft has acted to protect people from files, such as .exe and .bat
files, that are often used to run malicious scripts when opened.
Unfortunately this makes file sharing less convenient for many people,
but security must take precedence.
Microsoft Office 2003 file types most commonly shared between
people, such as .doc, .xls, and .ppt files, are not blocked.
If you need to share files that have file types blocked by this
feature, you have several options, including the following:
- Rename the files to include a temporary file type that is not on
the list of blocked file types. For example, you might rename
MyFile.exe to MyFile.exe_EXTRA, and then attach the file to the e-mail
message. You can include instructions in the message to save the file
with the correct name, for example, MyFile.exe, when the recipients
save the file to their computers.
- Use a program, such as WinZip, to package files before you attach
them to your e-mail message. In your message, you can include
instructions explaining how to extract the files from the package to
make it easy for recipients to access the files.
- Post the files to a secure network share. In your message, you
can include a link to the share that you have given the recipients
access to.
If your organization uses Microsoft Exchange Server, your e-mail
administrator can control which file types are blocked. For more
information, contact your administrator. If you are the e-mail
administrator, you can learn more about configuring blocked attachment
behavior in Outlook by referencing the Microsoft Office 2003
Resource Kit.