Jan 21, 2005 21:56
Wow, it's been a while... Well, see, the thing is, I havn't really had the urge to sit down and update lately...
I'm not really sure why, as life has been pretty good lately... Let's see what's happened since new years... Well, the
Party was a blast, Aly was here, kelly and nick were here, trevor stopped by, and bryan, san and julian
all came over... only pj and bryan puked, and htey made it to the toilet, which rocked...
Got to meet natalie finally, went to pizza shuttle, which, prior to that visit, I had never been to
it was pretty good, I enjoyed it... then we went to the node and then went and hung out wiht pj and julian for a while...
went sledding with jaqcui and amanda... pj didn't wanna go, and heather had to work :/
it was still a good itme though, i took out a little kid cuz they pushed me down the hill backwards... oops
Hung out wiht meredith, which is always a pleasure, I need ot fit in some more meredith time before she leaves... she leaves on my birthday!
we went to the node and sat there and talked for a good six hours... ran into a bunch of people I know, saw kendall, and
then felt bad when I didn't say hi when I first saw her... I wasn't sure if she'd recognize me, or even if she'd acknowledge me if she did...
I dunno what it is, but she intimidates me... She seems to be as comfortable with herself as I want to be with me, and seeing how far I have to
go makes me feel kinda strange...
so, I talked to her for a few minutes, then I saw london, who I havn't really seen in almost three years... so I talked to him for a while
bought him a coffee, talked, it was pretty cool... I told him about what happened to amy, and he told me about ben
it's strange how different people can turn out from what you would expect, especially having known them pretty well...
Trevor's been visiting more often, which rocks, cuz now I have someone to play Halo with
I finally got the celldweller cd downloaded... took three months, but it finished
and, luckily, I think it was worth the wait
The young paper guy that comes into my work on the weekends with his wife? gave me therse two cd's by a band
called liquid tension experiment
it's this heavy instrumental band, and they have some crazy musical skills, it's
almost unbelieveable, it's cool
work has been fun and exciting, as always... The last few weeks I was working a lot of thirds, which probably didn't help with my motivation to update
it sucked, but I had some pretty good checks
I have ot work tonight, and that makes me sad, cuz it's snowing, which means I might have to shovel :/
I hate that... I really do...
Oh well, hopefully now that I updated I'll remember to do it more often again