(no subject)

Dec 11, 2004 08:06

Woke up at 11 friday morning so I could get my check
stupid usps, fucking up my whole schedual
all well, it worked out for the best, wound up hanging out with trevor and pj and aaron
aaron played some online poker while I beat trevor at halo for a couple games
it was good times
after trevor left, we were gonna go to soundwaves so i could feed my addiction, and we stopped up at walgreens
for refreshments and ciggarettes, and so I could say hi to jenny
she has a ridiculously cute smile, it made me happy to be the reaosn for it : )
then, as we get on 45, which was jammed, pj realizes he forgot his id, so we had to turn around and get it (cuz he
wanted to look at pipes and bongs...  errr, "tubes") and as we drove back to get the id, aaron started feeling sick, so we dropped
him off at the house and me and pj went to soundwaves
I bought a ridiculous amount of incense, 150 sticks, that should last me
oh, lets say... two weeks ; )  haha, I'm a junkie, what can I say?
got lots of cinnamon, and leather, and a bunch more i don't remember off the top of my head, and I'm too tired
to move the five feet it'll take me to check...
on the way back we stopped at hardee's, and i talked to wynn about when she needed people, and when I'll probably be available
so, I won't have any free time in a few weeks
which sucks, but the money will be good, and i need money for school
after hardee's we stopped in at brookfield square, so I could check and see if they had any videodrone cd's at music recyclery, which they didn't
all well, I'll find it one day, if I'm meant to
we did, however, find some cool kung fu movies, so I bought them for pj, which made him happy
but he was still irritable, he got mad at me for singing along with the music in the car
made me sad, but I didn't tell him, cuz then he would have felt bad for speaking up
and he needs to do that more than I need to sing along
so it's okay...  we came home, and I remembered that i had to get replacement bulbs for my x-mas lights in my room
so I ran to target, all alone, and ran into my step-aunt there, she's the coolest, and we made plans for me to come over for christmas
even if my mom and jeff don't (especially if they don't : P)
I got cool lights, purple and gold and dark red, my room is much cooler now
when I came home i chatted with aly for a while, she got her bass, it's pretty
she's gonna come visit sometime, and we're gonna rock out, it'll be fun ; )
I also talked to ari for a while, I felt special cuz she put off going to her friend's to talk to me : )
I also talked to jenny for a bit, and we're gonna do something on sunday, which is super cool, hopefully I'll actually get some sleep that morning
work was fairly uneventful, nothing really sticks out in my mind, no interesting people, and the only interesting thing to happen
was this guy gave me a number to call to see about getting a job working as some sort of metalworker type thingy
where you put parts in a grip, and push a button, all day, for ten bucks an hour, which sounds decent to me : P
and now I'm very very tired, but I have to stay up another hour, so I can go get more money from the bank
all well, I'll survive
8 days
5 days til chevelle : )
I'm out, peace
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