Title: Possibly Temporarily
Characters: Ten/Rose
Genre: Fluff
Disclaimer: I don't own anything. Really. Not for the lack of wishing I did though...
Summary: The Doctor does love his accessories.
A/N: For
jaceyangel 's challenge
Interestingly, according to modern astronomers, space is finite. This is a very comforting thought-- particularly for people who can never remember where they have left things.
~Woody Allen
Rose glanced up from her magazine briefly before returning to it.
She raised a bemused eyebrow. "What'dja do now?"
The Doctor was glancing around wildly, running one hand through his hair with the other on his hip. He looked like a very confused puppy who had lost his favorite bone. She was sorely tempted to giggle at him but she knew better. So she saved the impulse for later, when she'd gotten him out of whatever jam he had gotten himself into. She set her magazine down, uncurled her legs and hopped down off the console chair.
"What's wrong?" she asked, genuinely concerned by his now frantic pacing.
He stopped suddenly as if he just realized she was there. He gave an embarrassed huff. "I'velostthesonicscrewdriver" he mumbled.
"I said, I seem to have misplaced the sonic screwdriver. Temporarily. Possibly. No! No, no. Definitely not permanently." He seemed to say the last bit to himself as convincingly as possible, nodding his affirmation.
"Alright," she said, knowing she'd have to be the logical one in this situation. "Stop and think, where was the last place you had it?"
"In my hand" was the honest answer.
"Well, that doesn't help us much"
"I know!" He was getting frustrated.
"Well, it couldn't have gone far. It didn't just waltz off into the vortex. There are only so many places it could be."
He rolled his eyes. "Trans-dimensional ship!" he cried in a tone that screamed 'duh!' as he pointed wildly around the console room. "It could be anywhere in an infinite amount of space!"
"Oh. Not good." She sighed. "So, let's retrace your steps. Where were you when you had it in your hand?"
"My room. No! After that! The kitchen!" With that he took off towards the kitchen in a brisk, not-quite-but-almost desperate walk. Rose tagged along, having to almost jog to keep up with his long strides.
When they reached the kitchen, they went to work checking all drawers and hiding places it could have dropped into. Nothing. "Now, where did you go next?" Rose asked. The Doctor looked thoughtful for a moment. "The library!" and he was once again bounding ahead of her.
When she finally caught up to him, he had already made short work of digging through the stacks of papers piled on his desk. Everything from small scraps to large parchment scrolls were scattered everywhere. She started looking around underneath the chairs and sofas.
It was nowhere to be found and the Doctor was beginning to shift from panicky energy to dejected gloom. Rose knew she couldn't let him give up or he'd be in a funk for the rest of the day. And a depressed Time Lord was not to be taken lightly.
She mustered her best cheerleader attitude. "Well, moving on, where to next?"
"That's when I came to get you, so your room is next."
She cringed inwardly. 'He'd better not go digging through the dresser' she thought. 'Or the nightstand.' Biting back a groan of dread, she grabbed him by the hand and pulled him out of the library. Roles reversed, he allowed her to guide him to her room.
Once there, she delegated 'safe' tasks for him, like the surfaces of furniture, while she performed the riskier searching. She looked under the bed, the dressers and even the bathroom. That was the fatal flaw. When she emerged from the bathroom empty handed, she discovered the Doctor had indeed found something. Just not what they were looking for.
"Just what do you think you're doing, going through my drawer?"
"Uh. Nothing, just thought I'd do a thorough check." The deer in headlights expression on his face was priceless.
She snatched her knickers back and stuffed them back in their place. "No. Not yours." she scolded but kept her tone light.
He looked vaguely disappointed.
"Moving on then? Where to next?" she asked again.
If he looked pathetic before, he now looked positively heartbroken. "Nowhere. The console room. That's where I discovered I'd lost it." His shoulders slumped and he sat down on her bed. She sat down next to him and gave him a nudge. "Well, it's not that bad, you can make another one, right?"
"Yes, I can. But I like that one. I'd finally gotten all 500,673 functions programmed into it." He flopped backwards so he was laying down with his feet still flat on the floor. She scooted up, laying down next him on her side and propping her head up on her hand. Wrapping her arm around his waist, she gave him a quick, sympathetic squeeze. "I'm sorry."
"Not your fault." He pointed to his head "After 900 years the mind tends to get a bit dusty and forgetful." He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and tugged her down to him. She laid her head on his shoulder and her hand reflexively came up to his chest. As it slid along the smooth pinstriped jacket, she felt something odd.
"What's this?" She patted a lumpy spot. Propping herself up, she reached into his jacket, and pulled out the offending object.
"Oh my god." She laughed. "You..! It's been in your pocket all this time!"
He practically squealed with glee. Sitting up abruptly he looked at the shiny object in her hand. "Ha!" he exclaimed. Suddenly he grabbed her face with both hands and gave her an exuberant kiss.
When he pulled back, she gave him a flustered smile. "All better then?"
He grinned. "Much better." She made a move to stand up but he held her hand tight and pulled her back down to him.
The grin turned decidedly more devilish. "Doesn't mean we have to go anywhere though."