I'm kind of ready for the holidays to be over. Mostly that's because I'm tired and I know that after the holidays things will slow down and I can get some rest. I appreciate my down time a lot. It's even better when I get to spend it with my favorite girl, but I don't get to do that s often as I'd like. Especially since she laughs at my lame jokes and lets me cuddle all I want. &her;
I can't really complain because things are going really well. I went to a couple of Christmas parties and had fun at both of them. I've gotten gifts from both my jobs, and a cash bonus from one of them. And then I checked my bank account today, and even though I haven't deposited my most recent paycheck from the school I still have way more money in the bank than I thought I did. Granted, there are things I need to buy, but for right now I'm just celebrating having some money in the bank.
There are other good things, too.
thewayout is going to be in the neighborhood soon, which is awesome and I can't wait to see her again. Plus, I was told there may be a trip to see Sherlock Holmes while she's around, which sounds super fun.
And! There is so much fic being posted for
drawn_to! I'm basically just going through and reading them in order, but I'm only on like, the 4th or 5th one. It's been really good stuff, though. You're all super talented, which is not news, but worth pointing out.
Empires are playing a show I can actually go to, even though it means driving to St. Louis because they're playing KC on a day I can't make. I don't even care, though, because I get to see Empires next month!! And then Jack's Mannequin and fun. in February! I'm so excited for concerts in 2010, y'all, for real.
This weekend I get to make candy with my mom, which is always kind of fun, and we end up with a ton of good stuff to eat so it's mostly worth the work. Mmmmmm, candy.
And now I have to get the clothes out of the dryer that have been there since Saturday.