So. Major life decisions suck, and I suck at making them, and I've had to make too many in the past year. And I am soooooo slow at figuring things out like, oh, what I want in life, or what would make me happy. But. I have decided to try for my alternative teaching certification--meaning I'm trying to become a math teacher. I signed up to become a substitute teacher today. terrified. I am very lucky to have a very supportive family. My mom gave me a whole pep talk about how it was great that I was finally doing something that I'd enjoy and be good at and how times might get tough, but we'd get through. I love my mom so much.
I woke up at 3 a.m. with a story idea that I'm trying very hard to recapture, but it's not working all that well. :(
I'm trying to interact more with the people on my friendslist. It's still weird for me to leave comments on people's entries, but I'm getting better at it.
The seals on my refrigerator are coming loose. I'm thinking it's time for a new fridge. Mine is a hand-me-down that was probably purchased second-hand. It is harvest gold and condensation collects on the ceiling of the refrigerator and leaks all over the shelves.