Feb 18, 2008 09:44
I have the day off today, that's making me pretty fucking happy right now. I slept about 11 hours last night, and all I want to do is lay around. But I know I will feel like my last day off until sometime in late May will feel completely wasted if I do that, so I'm trying to avoid it. I don't know what I'll do instead.
I'm starting to get nervous about the baby. I'm far enough along that I don't have to worry as much about the miscarriage thing, since I'm out of the first trimester, but I'm horrified that something else is going to go wrong. Every time I feel something down there, I'm either terrified it's blood or amniotic fluid or something. I know, it's so completely unlikely to be anything bad. I know it's just discharge. The old yucky normal kind. But still, good God, I'm not used to this. I don't think I'll be able to breathe til the baby is actually born. Or until I can feel it kicking and I can know that it's ok.
I'm glad I finally feel better. I'm able to get up and around and play WoW and everything. It's nice to not feel confined to the couch for once. And even as I say this, I'm about to log on to WoW. Maybe later, LJ. Maybe later.