6,070 words. It's crap, and I realized yesterday that it probably would read like one of those really terrible romance novels at some parts, despite the fact that there is no romance. Hurdurrrrrrr.
Also yesterday I made the mistake of reading fanfiction for Channel Awesome, which makes the interesting decision to take itself way too seriously for RPF about a bunch of people who like to make fun of things.
Day 10: Favorite Crest?
I remember just thinking that the crest of Friendship just looked plain cool. It's a yinyang with BLADES. Awesome. I can't really say which crest I really thought was genuinely best, though, I remember thinking they were all really good traits and probably switched which one I liked best every few weeks. Though, I also remember thinking that Zudomon was totally the coolest looking of the Ultimates. WALRUS TURTLE WITH A HAMMER, HELL TO THE YEAH.
30 Days of Pokemon/Digimon
Day 01: Your Pokemon dream-team? Day 02: Which Digimon would you like to have for your own? Day 03: Pokemon -Favorite Movie?
Day 04: Digimon -Favorite Female Character? Day 05: Pokemon -Favorite video-game? Day 06: Digimon -Favorite Male Character? Day 07: Pokemon -Favorite Quote? Day 08: Digimon -Favorite LEGITIMATE RELATIONSHIP? Day 09: Favorite Pokeball?Day 10: Favorite Crest?
Day 11: Pokemon -Favorite Manga Character?
Day 12: What do you think of Xross Wars?
Day 13: What do you think of Black and White/Best Wishes?
Day 14: Digimon -COOLEST Boy?
Day 15: Pokemon -COOLEST Boy?
Day 16: Digimon -Favorite Friendship?
Day 17: Pokemon -Favorite Contest outfit?
Day 18: Digimon -Favorite Siblings?
Day 19: Favorite Eevee-evolution?
Day 20: Digimon -Least favorite season?
Day 21: Pokemon -Favorite Friendship
Day 22: Digimon -What should have happened, but didn’t?
Day 23: Pokemon -Favorite Evil organization?
Day 24: Digimon -Favorite Villian?
Day 25: Pokemon -Favorite shipping(CAN’T REALLY SUB THIS FOR LEGIT SHIPS)?
Day 26: Digimon -Favorite Quote?
Day 27: Pokemon -Favorite Female Character?
Day 28: Digimon -Favorite Goggle-head?
Day 29: Pokemon -Favorite Male Character?
Day 30: Digimon -Favorite Movie?