Happy Belated America Day, all you Americans.
So, I went to see Toy Story 3 again, this time with my parents. Dad liked it but doesn't like to talk about his emotions so was vague on how much he cried. Mom, on the other hand, said she was bored. My mom fails at watching movies.
One thing that kind of bugs me about it, though... I love love love Buzz and Jessie's relationship, it is beyond adorable, but... they've known each other how long? Ten years? It was obvious at the end of TS2 that they were instantly into each other. And yet, all these years later, they're still being awkward and iffy? That seems like stretching it, considering all they've likely been through. How long did Woody and Bo know each other before hooking up, anyway? (p.s. BO ;-; still sad.)
And, in related news... Pixar is the absolute winner at viral marketing.
Click to view
They made a
Japanese one, also. wtf.
Anyway... I think I might have to make a Nepeta account. This is wholly the fault of
deltashade and all the other Trolls on D_M. Damn y'all and your entertainingly eye-searing formatted trolling. C'mon Hussie, give me more to work with.