Oct 17, 2009 19:37
Ooof long day
Not in the bad way, though. Been out for the last five hours, walking about and purchasing things. A couple roommates admitted to needing to go out as well, so it was good, though Roommate 1 is currently wheelchair-bound and the sidewalks in Olympia weren't always accommodating. Also hills. But I got a workout from the pushing, I think, my muscles will be sore tomorrow and I will be proud. I got most items I need for my costume, now I just need to get to work sewing on the accents I need, and also go back sometime for pants.
There was this booth at the mall where they were trying to sell this mini spa kit, the guy there totally buffed one of my nails for free and it was amazing. It is shiny. Usually the kit was 60 bucks, and today only it was 30, but come on we had already spent money and we're in college.
Speaking of which I love my mother for sending me more funds. None of my job applications have gotten back to me yet and I am worried D=
I am for food now
need moneys,
real life what,
shopping isn't always painful,
twelve stories high made of radiation