50 Hajifacts

Jun 10, 2011 16:32

Okay, this turned out to be less just about Hajime and bled in a few areas into stuff about the Ouendan squad or things about his family, but it's still mostly focused on him. This took me a few days of staring at the list to complete, I'm not good at coming up with random facts like this, but it was a lot of fun!

1. It took a few tries to manage, but eventually Hajime mastered the art of making edible pudding.

2. Hajime was extremely nervous, introducing Jack to the Squad. Ex-evil people and technology are neither things that they are cool with.

3. Their reserved attitude about it turned out to be more of them being jerks and teasing the both of them.

4. After the meteor, the reparation money that the Squad got from the government was used to pay Jack to give their lousy little base some upgrades.

5. He’s still kind of confused about how old he's supposed to say he is after the Time Travel incident.

6. There appears to be a very minor healing factor present in the use of Motivating people, though it seems only to be unlocked in the most extreme cases.

7. When he thinks something will be short-lived, he’s started using the simile “that’ll last as long as a teacher at the Institute.”

8. He has started keeping a dream journal.

9. Shortly after he started with the dream journal, he finally remembered Mod's brainwashing him. At this point, he can't even bring himself to be surprised about it.

10. It really does depress him a bit that he'll never eat Sanji's food again. For many reasons.

11. He tried joining the gymnastics and kendo clubs at school, but had too much trouble balancing them with his other responsibilities.

12. He often writes letters to Derrick. Out of nerves, though, he never sends them.

13. Every few weeks he'll try cooking something new.

14. If nothing is burned beyond recognition he becomes inordinately proud.

15. Most often, when it doesn't, he makes himself feel better by eating a deconstructed sandwich.

16. His eyesight is very slowly getting better, due to both his mutation and his spending time not looking at books.

17. Even if he ever notices, he probably won't stop wearing his glasses. He likes them.

18. Once, in a fit of ~forever alone~ moodiness, he asked Jack if Hinata has a sister.

19. He immediately felt like an idiot and tried to pretend he hadn't said anything at all.

20. He really likes to visit Nara Park and hang out with the deer.

21. When he thinks no one’s looking, he tries talking to the deer.

22. Doumeki takes odd particular interest when Hajime describes the couple of students he met back home with apparent music empathy.

23. Even odder, so does Anna.

24. He frequently checks the local docks. Just in case any interesting ships have come in. You never know.

25. Hajime tells his parents that the bill from The World is Taizo’s doing.

26. Sayaka very nearly murdered him when she found out he had been in school with so many of the Vocaloids, and hadn’t gotten her a single autograph.

27. He often messes up the words to ‘Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer’ so that it’s Blue-Nosed. The first few times it was a mistake, now he does it on purpose.

28. The song ‘Yellow Submarine’ gives him the chills. Sometimes it makes his arm ache.

29. He's honestly pretty jealous of Jack's ability. He's spent years studying to be as smart as he is, and Jack just blows him out of the water.

30. His own grades have settled all the way down at straight A minuses. It’s very hard for him to come to terms with.

31. Aoi will stop by the Tanaka household a lot to use Jack as a test for her English and Chinese.

32. Eventually Hajime’s parents started encouraging that maybe Hajime and Aoi should go out. The both of them found this a hilariously gross idea.

33. If he needs anything beyond the basics with computers or machines, he asks Jack to do it. He doesn't trust those things anymore.

34. He’s still got conflicted feelings about wanting to ride a motorcycle.

35. When they first got back to Japan, Hajime tried to hide the pictures of himself with longer hair before Jack could see them. He didn’t quite manage, and he’s still not entirely sure why he made such a big deal out of it.

36. He’s discovered that he actually likes a lot of his food hot and spicy.

37. This has made his cooking even more dangerous.

38. His avatar in The World resembles Doumeki. He didn't even realize until Aoi made fun of him for it.

39. He retired his old gakuran jacket after leaving the Institute, but still keeps it safely tucked away in his closet. It was starting to get too small for him, anyway.

40. Regardless, he kept wearing that raggedy ribbon right up until he was given his hat.

41. Genji watches Lifetime with Jack’s robots. They bond over it.

42. Really, he’s pretty conflicted about whether or not he should take over the family business. It’s not like he isn’t interested, he just feels it’s in conflict with work as an Ouendan.

43. Hajime walks pretty much everywhere, these days. Cars and buses just feel less… manly.

44. His parents are getting really tired of him not having learned to drive yet.

45. Hajime borrowed Taizo’s Cappers game for a bit to see what the fuss was about.

46. He refused to let his Whowho evolve. Something just told him it was a bad idea.

47. Before Hajime cut off his hair, he had really bad dandruff. Finally getting out in the sun made it all go away.

48. He couldn’t be happier to have Jack living with him. He means more to Hajime than he could ever say, and would gladly do anything for his friend.

49. It’s not only Hajime that Jack’s being around has helped out. Honestly, the Tanaka family is a lot more sociable nowadays. They actually interact.

50. Sometimes his brothers wonder if they got some sort of weird clone back instead of their brother. The real Hajime doesn’t smile nearly this much.

xavier institute, writing

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