
May 13, 2014 22:46

Hey everyone! As you're all aware, I - once again - said I was back and challenges would be posted but that didn't happen. I'm sorry! New things are constantly popping up and every time I think I have time to dedicate myself to modding it's not long before I realize that that's not the case.

It's time I was honest with myself and with you and admitted I simply don't have the time and don't know when I will have the time to run this landcomm the way it should be run.

Because it's not fair to you and because I'd hate the comm to die a slow and painful death consisting of people leaving one by one because the mod sucks - and I do, there's no need to sugarcoat anything - I decided to close it.

I'm sorry it had to come to that, I really enjoyed the amazing work you guys did in challenges, I had lots of fun and I'm honored you spent your time here!

I hope you had fun and I hope that if I ever decide I want to give modding another go - when I'm in a different place in my life and you can have the mod you deserve - and if you're still around these parts, you'll give me another chance.

Until then, I tallied the remaining challenges and I will be posting phase 4 results in a minute.
Final results for phase 4.

I'm sad that I didn't get a chance to do some activities I wanted and present you with some challenges I had planned that were my babies but maybe that will still happen in the future.

Thank you for the most amazing time, everyone! It's been a blast!

!announcement, !info !mod post

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