003 - Reality Is Really Real

Sep 03, 2013 01:50

Your task is to create a reality show and have fictional characters participate ( Read more... )

0003, phase 2

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founder_the September 2 2013, 23:50:26 UTC
Questions and/or comments


catko September 3 2013, 07:19:08 UTC
So, you mean we have actual characters (say, Sherlock, or Captain Kirk) participate in a reality show? Or characters we totally invent as played by real actors?


founder_the September 3 2013, 19:24:38 UTC
Actual characters.


blue_sunflowers September 3 2013, 08:08:12 UTC
you're talking 800 words, right?


founder_the September 3 2013, 19:24:50 UTC


meredith44 September 3 2013, 22:35:44 UTC
I have two questions.

1. In other comms, sometimes for challenges like this, we can have the option to have a partner and just do more work. So we would write more about the premise of the show and then either have twice the characters, do twice the amount for one option (so 4 gifs or 8 images) or we do two options (picspam and gif for example). Would that be a possibility here?

2. Does this have to be a reality show for our reality? Or could I set a reality show in the Marvel comics universe and pull "normal" characters into a world with aliens and superheroes and stuff and have a reality show geared toward that? (Like on another planet or something?)

Thanks. :)


founder_the September 4 2013, 00:10:30 UTC
1. Sure! The description should be at least 5 sentences and you need to have 16 characters in that case.

2. Any reality is fine!


meredith44 September 4 2013, 00:32:47 UTC
Thanks! So if I chose to do the partner route, it would still be just one of the options for the 16 characters? Or could one of us do picspams for 8 of the characters while the other made gifs for the other 8 characters? (I really have no idea if I'm even going this route, but I figure I might as well get it all straightened out first before I decide. :) )


founder_the September 5 2013, 15:35:14 UTC
Different options are fine!


katleept September 9 2013, 05:46:49 UTC
I just read the part about not being able to mix and match, after being more than half way done setting up my "show". I had thought to mainly do pics but with a few lines along with them -- not trying to hit the 100 word mark, just a comment or two as to why the characters are involved. I'm not trying to get extra points or anything like that. Since I'm not aiming for the 100 words but am including both text and pics, would my entry not be allowed, or would a bit of text be okay?


katleept September 9 2013, 06:51:42 UTC
Here's what I had in mind: http://katleept.livejournal.com/138095.html . I decided I wanted to do it regardless of rather or not I could actually use it, but please let me know if it's acceptable or not. If it is, I'll post it as an entry; if not, I'll do a second with only the pictures. There's not a hundred words for any one character, I'm quite sure, BTW.


founder_the September 9 2013, 12:53:35 UTC
That's ok. I'm never going to deduct points for extra work! If there is any one of the options present, it's good for me, anything else is up to you - you can have as much or as little of the rest as you want. Even if you had over 1000 words for each, it would be fine.

No mix&match simply means that you can't do - in this case - picspams for 3 characters, gifs for 2 and writing for 3 but as far as I'm concerned you could do picspams, gifs and writing for every single one of the eight of them - it'd just be a lot more work for the same amount of points, not disqualified.


katleept September 9 2013, 13:27:44 UTC
Cool! :-) It was a little more work, but it was a lot more fun than I thought it would be when you first posted the challenge!


philstar22 September 14 2013, 23:13:35 UTC
Sorry, last minute question, do animals count for the 2 characters from a fandom?


philstar22 September 14 2013, 23:23:59 UTC
Oh, and if they don't, can I use Sirius as a pet in dog form and not have him count as a third character? I'm amused by the idea of James Potter entering the context with Padfoot as his pet. I'm not using the animals as among my 8 characters, only as the pets that they bring along with them.


founder_the September 15 2013, 14:06:28 UTC
Sorry for missing this, I babysit almost all nights so after 7 - sometimes 7:30pm if I have a ride but usually I leave at 7 - I'm not always able to answer questions!

Animals would've been fine and/or you could've done that with Sirius. If you did either, it's ok - I just woke up and I haven't gone through the entries yet, I'll do it later when I tally so I'm not sure what you did but I wanted to reply now.


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