(no subject)

May 01, 2005 03:15

so heres the story. im still alive. but i just dont write cus well, many things. 1- i feel like no one reads my lj. 2- im lazy. 3-imlazy. 4- i have SO MUCH to tell!!!!

im in love with a few too many people. well, i love the world and my friends and stuff. but yeah. Passsover sucksss balllss!! matzah balls! bwhaha. Family guy comes out tomor whooo!!! Les Mis is going well. I still and kinda pissed that i didnt get a better part cus ididnt like turn thinsg in on time. The laramie prject was AMAZING. i saw it twice cus i usherd for it and the second time it all hit me and i like broke down and cried for the cause and also cus my friends who were in the play were amazzing and il miss them and i am SO proud of them. My dad came for a lil. and i brought steffie.
Tonite elliot came over and we watched the incredibles it was good.than a lota other ppl came, like valerie stern and molly cull and jackie griffen and they did some illegal things whihc i was totaly fine with hah and steffie came and amir and then like sean and his friends came and then i went to brian schottensteins which was a lil weird but fine and i talked with everyone there.

what else has been going on? school is draggin,. im gona graduate with bad gradeeesss. o welll

my plans for next year are defnite.i cant wait, I also cant wait for nyc, with kara and davey and nikky bagga and all these other fab ppl.

school is ok. I like everyone alot. im reeally close with alota diff ppl. same old story, but different lol. the coeditors for torch were chosen.! lauren k, caitlin wenz and rachel haas. im happy about it, althou it kinda weird theres no boy. I feel bad for those who didnt get it. im glad i dont have to worry about this!

next year in israel i deciceied to take film and acting classes on the side. and read ALOT. and photography, yes.

so late, so tired. read perhaps
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