Nov 03, 2005 23:38
School has been crazy
I only have about two more weeks of it until I have my break.
Stuff has changed. I have changed. I talked to some people from home, and they said I was different. Go figure, right?
I've learned to keep myself better informed of things, such as
homework, friend/boyfriend relations and social status. Interesting
enough. I got a new look, I have new friends and I have new and
intriguing stuff to think about.
I joined up with Community Chorus, which was a good idea. Seeing Mr. Ahn sing is phenomenal. (huaha!)
Ian and I have become awesome friends, as the dinner and a concert
thang is still on. [But not before he finishes all of the "wood
stacking" he must do. Crazy boy]
I managed to get made fun of and laughed at "discreetly" and I learned how to not flip out.
I realized what an awesome atmosphere a boarding school is. I love it.
I really want to come for the secon semester. That would mean barely
any "concord-friends" time, seeing as I'd have to get signed off
campus, but I don't care. Dorm-Battles are coming up, and they are
going to be awesome. I just wanna kick Cowell's house's ass. Max Getz,
you're going DOWN. Same with Vose house. And Cleo. Oh yeah.
I miss people, but seeing as time is passing quickly, and they don't
appear to miss me much, I'm dealing alright. People take my mind off
them when I get pissy anyways. Credit due to JZ, IW, NF, IM, JB and PB
for helping me with that.
I have more Precalculus to do, and then I have to study for Aquatics and Physics.
Woo-Fucking-Doo. Oh, and J-M is a complete TOOL.
Such is life.
I miss you. I love you