Aug 28, 2004 14:10
Just thought that, while I have some downtime, I would post an update on the baby status.
Ryan finally showed up at 8:01 pm, Saturday, August 21, 2004. I most definitely had a pretty rough labor. I went in Thursday night at 7 pm, to start my induction process with a medication called Cervidil, which I had all night long. 7am Friday, they started me on Pitocin, which is an IV drip that causes contractions. I stayed on that all day long, and the farthest my dialations got were 1cm (you have to be at 10 to deliver). So, at 7pm Friday, they gave me a Foli-bulb, which, in short, was a balloon filled with water placed in my cervix with a catheter attached to my leg. Basically, it was there to put pressure on my cervix to make me dialate...not comfortable. That was there all night, and the pitocin was stopped, but started back up again at 7am Saturday. My doctor broke my water at 11:30am Saturday, and then the contractions got a lot more painful after that. I finally dialated to 6cm's around 5:30pm, and couldn't take the pain anymore, so I got an epidural (aka big long needle in my spine). My doctor came to check me around 6:30pm, and I had regressed down to 4cm's (not good), so she called in to the OR for me to be sent in for a C-section (cut my tummy open and take the baby out). So, off I went for that, and Ryan was here a lil later. They finally let me come home Monday night, and Wednesday I had my staples removed from my stomach. Things are going pretty great now. He's taking a nap right now cuz he just got a belly full of formula (that stuff stinks). His first doctors appointment is next week. I'll keep it updated.