Who: Johannes Van der Meer (
booze_in_cmajor ) and Theod Wulflehrer (
barbaric_order ) and who ever wants to join them.
What: Drinking
Where: Theod's office
When: This past weekend
Warnings: Drunk people
OOC: I should have posted this over the weekend :x
Drink up, me hearties yoho )
Digits tapped away at his keyboard as a rascally ferret galloped around his office floor over the old rug, chasing around a ball with a smaller ball in it. The gentle knock on his door broke him from his work trance and Frettchen's ferret-fun-fun-happy-run-run-time.
"Yes? Come in." Came a firm but calm reply a the document on his desktop was saved should the visitor intend for a meeting longer than the usual 15 minute speed-bys.
"A-ah hello, Theod...Sir." He greeted, his smile coy and clever. "How're you doing today?" Johannes didn't plan on beginning this venture with the reminder that they were supposed to go drinking--but rather let it on subtly.
Theod looked at his laptop for the time, and there it was, promptly after school on this fair weathered little Friday. Oh, it wasn't at all hard to guess what Johannes wanted as the teacher entered his room with a certain coy swagger like a child digging for Birthday secrets. Theod would have prefered they cut straight to business, but he couldn't help but entertain the younger male whom seem so fixated on his reward.
"I'm fine, in fact, before you came-" Though more accurately it was 'before I got back to serious school work', "I was investigating good activities in which to participate in. You .. haven't forgotten have you, Mr.Van der Meer?"
It usually took Theod a little time to relax the standards of his greeting to casual. Everyone who entered his office he tended to see as a student, and a student during school hours at that. The German was possibly the oldest resident at the school, though one could reason for a tie with the Vice Principal whom had a tendency to act nothing like his age.
"Of course I didn't forget, Theod." He mused. "Remember who you're dealing with." Johannes laughed quietly, finding himself to be a rather humorous being. "However, if you're still busy I don't mind waiting."
"No, I'm not. This evening is for you Johannes.'
Theod took unlocked his desk drawer and pulled out Johannes flask, setting it closer to himself on the desk, than it was to Johannes. It was almost a dare. Would Johannes be so bold as to reach into Theod's personal space for that precious object? In a way, he used his personal space and the position of the flask to tease Johannes whom was obviously being quite playful in his thirst.
"I'm glad you recall the activity that was suggested prior. Did you come up with any ideas which would suit your tastes the best? I believe it would be in both our best interest to attend any activity sober, lest our job position be open by tomorrow." The blond gave a rather morbid warning. He very well knew the risks of doing any activity while drunk, a good majority never came back from their night out.
"You do know we don't have to go out or anything, Theod." Johannes muttered, his voice sounding a bit strained and worried now that his flask was in his possession again.
The principal grabbed Johannes' wrist when the man leaned over his desk to take the flask, thus keeping Johannes in that very position and unable to draw the flask towards himself. Steady blue eyes stared into hazel ones, demanding attention away from the steel cased addiction and it's temptingly reflective surface.
"I'm fairly sure that is what I heard, that you wanted more in life than to be drunk? If you're going to stare at that flask so hard, why don't you actually look at it."
By this the blond had meant the reflection on the metallic container which mirrored a desperate blond man caught in the act of greedily reaching for a few mouths of alcohol with entranced desperation on his face.
He wouldn't break down. He wouldn't scold himself. And he would find himself in a massive slump of tears like he had a few days prior. He wouldn't show weakness. But he couldn't deny his obsession. And slowly, Johannes's hand released the flask. He wanted to drink. But he didn't want to let the man down.
And with a simple nod of the head, he spoke. "I understand, sir."
"Alright then, so what activities have you thought about doing?" The blond would have preferred it if Johannes picked so it would be an activity more relevant to him.
"I-I haven't come up with much." He said firmly. "I...I didn't have any acceptable hobbies before I started drinking." Johannes's expression wavering, he began to look somewhat uncomfortable. "And, by acceptable, I mean...it's not something I'd imagine you enjoying. I doubt even I would enjoy it now."
He sighed. "I used to go to raves, sir." Johannes muttered, his cheeks flushing. "I know, it seems a bit odd to imagine me at one but, I did have a good time going to them--" he paused. "Forget it, I'd much prefer it if you called the shots on this."
He opened his laptop again and waited for it to spring to life before he began fishing through files.
"You iron don't you, Johannes? Last year with a few British associates from college I got drunk and did some ironing. It was.. very enjoyable. Ironed the shirt I brought with me."
He turned the laptop around to show Johannes a picture. In that picture was Theod, as stoic as ever, shirt off with an ironing board in front of him.. the wind in his hair as he stood atop a perilously high cliff. It was the sort of cliff you'd need need a lot of climbing experience to scale. To make the picture even more bizarre it seemed to have been taken at sun rise with Theod giving the thumbs up to the camera man.
"The point is, as long as it's done with someone, it doesn't matter what the activity is. Even if I seeming embarrassingly orderly in your opinion.. perhaps to put it lightly.. and there is no need to spare my feelings-" He held up his hand, "When things are done in good company.. it doesn't matter what is done. This picture also brings me to another point. Would you like to go rock climbing? Or, if that's too physically challenging we can go to the aquarium tomorrow and swim with the dolphins... I know someone who owes me a favor..."
Despite how subdued and ordinary Theod appeared, one of his past times was extreme outdoor activities. Which often became a little more perilous when combined with his love of drinking.
"I understand, sir." Johannes said, smiling ever-so-politely at his boss. "Rock climbing does sound interesting. I tried that as a child, and I did enjoy it. But I've only had experience really on those rock walls that are in gymnasiums, though I have been on a real mountain once before. S'quite fun." He mused to himself as he thought. "...But swimming with dolphins does sound fun." Johannes caught himself suddenly as he fantasized about the activities, then chuckled politely. "Is this the sort of thing I've been missing out on by drinking so much?"
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