Who: Noemi (
paradisoleil ), Týrur (
faereyjar ), and Iiliit (
nanu_qaqortoq ). Any other fishers are welcome, if they happen to pass by.
What: Fishing date!
When: At dawn and on any day Týrur and Iiliit want to ~ (Seems to be few days to a week.)
Where: Sun Docks
Noemi's giant tortoise (Roland)! And possibly fish guts, heads, bones, and smell.
Minor Details Under Cut )
Today was a bit chilly. Thankfully, she brought her uniform blazer this time. The air was as fresh as it can be, and it seemed to get saltier in scent as Noemi got closer and closer to the ocean. A round silhouette was in the distance, in the the direction where the sun was rising. Noemi squinted her eyes and began walking faster. She hugged the round animal and knocked on it. The tortoise's head slowly came out from its shell and it looked up at its owner.
Putting down her tools, Noemi got out a few branches of fresh leaves and set it down before her pet. "Rise and shine, Roland. Here's some breakfast!" Smiling, she crouched down and began adjusting her fishing line. "Happen to see Týrur and Iiliit here yet? Doesn't seem they are around yet."
"Noemi! I'm here now...."
The dark circles under his eyes betrayed his lack of sleep, but he smiled cheerfully at her and held up his fishing equipment.
"I brought my stuff!"
"Iiliit's right. Maybe you should sleep a bit. Your sister and I can catch enough for the three of us! If you want, you can rest against Roland?" Noemi suggested. Her friend's health was definitely more important than a hangout that can be done anytime. "Oh! Also ~ did you remember to bring some male clothing for me to wear for today's spirit day, Týr?"
".. The clothes?!" He started, suddenly getting up and rummaging through his bag, "... Oh god, I completely forgot. I'm so sorry, Noemi! What should we do?"
"And that's fine if you didn't bring them ... though I was looking forward to it. Maybe we can end the date early so we can quickly stop by your room for some?" Noemi then sort of looked to the side with her head slightly lowered her head, and said in an almost nervous manner: "Or ... we could exchange clothes."
He busied himself for a moment getting out his fishing articles before Noemi's words sank in: "Wait a sec, did you say swap clothes..?!" He asked incredulously, "... You mean I'd have to wear ...." He glanced at her discreetly. She was wearing the usual girl's school uniform, but to wear a skirt, and that girlish blouse.. and did she expect him to wear the ribbons, too? He turned a bright shade of red -- he wasn't wondering what a certain person would think, if he dressed as a girl. Of course, he wasn't...
"... I.. uh, didn't really want to dress as a girl today..."
As the idea is suggested, Iiliit stares at Noemi for a while, then back to Týrur, before shrugging.
She nodded in agreement, cheeks still lightly reddened, and looked over to Iilit. "Would you be able to help us? I mean ... we can't exactly switch clothes out in the open. We could use the washroom stalls near the docks, um," Noemi thought a bit on the process. It did seem that it will take a bit of effort. "One of us can undress, have Iiliit take it to the other person, that other person can change into their new clothes, then she can get the clothes to the first person? Would that work?"
With a bit of excitement in her tone, it really did seem Noemi was going to actually going through with it. She just needed approval from the other party.
And Noemi? Well, she seemed to think that it had been decided, and from the gist of her long speech, it felt like she'd thought it through in detail. He'd zoned out a little though; his head was still in the clouds from the lack of sleep, but essentially they had to swap clothes for the day and the thought made his head spin.
"F..Fine...!" He squirmed uncomfortably, blushing. "I'll swap with you then Noemi." He fumbled with untying his tie for a while and undid the top two buttons before realizing -- "Hey wait, you said we're using the washrooms, right?"
He paused for a moment.
"Are we doing this now?!"
"Y-Yes we will be using the washrooms," she began. Despite her anticipation, her senses were kicking in. "Though Týr, if y-you really have a problem with this. We don't have to ... There's always the other plan, y'know ..."
He was still really red. He'd wanted to make the effort to participate in school events and be a little more sociable, so he supposed it would be good idea to dress up for spirit week -- but to wear a girl's uniform? It was okay for a girl, but for a boy.... He shook his head. Yong Soo had said he'd dress up, and there were other boys dressing up, so... it would be okay, he thought, and why was he thinking of Danmark now?
He got up and turned to the two girls, "I'm going to the changing stalls, then." He said stiffly, "B...Better to get it over and done with".
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