Wow, I've waited long enough. I went to Italy, Greece and Turkey a while ago, and I've finally decided to update this with some pictures. I took hundreds, and here are some of my favourites. Some of these are my friends pictures, I'm just stealing them!
Me, Tina and Jenna at the aiiirport
Street in Italy
Vota Communista!
Beginning of the Vatican tour
One of the many hallways to the Sistine Chapel
Beautiful houses...
Inside St. Peter's Cathedral
Jenna thinkin' hard outside of the Vatican
Pompei.. A man covered in ash
The Pantheon! One of my faves. Pretty easy on the eyes eh? Incredible..
We then took a ferry to Greece
The group outside of a Greek parliment building
The Olympic stadium
Jenna being reeeedonkulousss!
Downtown Athens
I really liked my scarf, haha!
Me and the girls at the "top of Athena" one night. It was a hell of a walk to the top.. but wooorth it
Tamra, Jen and Annelore
Me and my boyyyyfriends on the cruise
Tyler and Matt, funny lads
har har haarr this makes me laugh everytime..
So fly boys
Captain's dinner on the cruise
I'm eating greek food, drinking greek coffee :)
Yea! It was the best thing I've ever experienced. It was just... wow
-Being a part of a peace protest in Athens
-Sistine, Pantheon, Italian stores
-Tour buses
-The ferry boat
-Cheap cigarettes
-Partying almost everynight
-The cruise, discos and hang overs
-The 4 Birthdays celebrated while we were travelling