May 14, 2006 15:04
It's official: the Class of 2006 has been sent out into the world. Graduation went well. The guy they brought in to speak was awesome- really witty. I liked him a lot. The national anthem went alright. I didn't forget the words or anything. (That would have been bad--- all the years of laughing at other people who forget the words would have come back to smack me in the face, and in front of about 25,000 people too.)
So now what do I do? I am already tired of hearing that question, so don't ask.
I started with today, Mother's Day. I gave my mom her present and then worked on restoring order to my room. Then I trimmed the hedges with the electric trimmer that reminds me of a chain saw. It was fun. :-)
And now I am updating LJ while defragging my computer. The defragmentation is taking a looooong time because I haven't done it in a while.
Anyone who wants to get together can give me a call. I will be free til I find a job.