(I did get your earlier comment, waiting until I can not scream at likely respondants before posting it, and did get your note. :) I'm just slow as anything. And trying to keep a little white cat from nibbling my knuckles as I type. Wanna borrow her? She's very good at making you wish you were alone again.)
My kitty is the exact same way when she is feeling social.
I am happy you got the note though ^^ The BPAL you gave me is like gold I tell you. Like gold!
To think in 3 (or 4 days if you count today :P ) days I will be typing frpm my dorm...or at Corpse Bride...or at a party feeling slightly out of place. Haven't decided which one one yet.
That good, eh? *grin* If you want I still have most of a bottle of Tramp (to just below the top of the label), too; it expired in May (oops) but it's still good, I just haven't been using it at all lately.
Ooohhh! When you see Corpse Bride, let us know how it is! I'd vote for typing from the party feeling slightly out of place; it gives a chance to peoplewatch, actually have something to -do-, and it can attract cute geek guys now and then.
I'm probably not going back to the forum. The psycho levels just aren't worth it and I'm supposed to stay as stress-free as possible for my health.
(I did get your earlier comment, waiting until I can not scream at likely respondants before posting it, and did get your note. :) I'm just slow as anything. And trying to keep a little white cat from nibbling my knuckles as I type. Wanna borrow her? She's very good at making you wish you were alone again.)
My kitty is the exact same way when she is feeling social.
I am happy you got the note though ^^ The BPAL you gave me is like gold I tell you. Like gold!
To think in 3 (or 4 days if you count today :P ) days I will be typing frpm my dorm...or at Corpse Bride...or at a party feeling slightly out of place. Haven't decided which one one yet.
And I started posting on Lush again. Fancy that.
That good, eh? *grin* If you want I still have most of a bottle of Tramp (to just below the top of the label), too; it expired in May (oops) but it's still good, I just haven't been using it at all lately.
Ooohhh! When you see Corpse Bride, let us know how it is! I'd vote for typing from the party feeling slightly out of place; it gives a chance to peoplewatch, actually have something to -do-, and it can attract cute geek guys now and then.
I'm probably not going back to the forum. The psycho levels just aren't worth it and I'm supposed to stay as stress-free as possible for my health.
Lush isn't that bad...if you avoid the Idle Chatter boards...
SOmetimes its like watching a car accident and you're allowd to slow down and watch it happen :P
Even the other sections got to me. I'd actually abandoned them a while before I left totally; a few bullies got in and it just got horrid.
And I'm ever so much more productive when not dealing with people more batshit than myself. ;)
In any case, I have a house to plaster. ;) Which of us (the house or me) will win is anyone's guess.
Ooooooo plaster.
I'll be rooting for you.
Go Stormcat go! You can do it! Don't let the house consume you!
After the other day, the plaster may overwhelm both me and the house. It ate my back. :P But it's fun, like playing in mud pies on the walls. *grin*
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