Love Come Take Me is the result of a collaborative exploration between myself and the photographer Sean Cousin.
We explored how the integral nature of a Polaroid photograph can be used as both narrative structure and antagonist for creating an essentially reproducible artefact from singular entities.
A seed of ten original ‘found’ Polaroids were used to create a loose sequential narrative. I then created interlinking drawings which were then interpreted by Sean and reclaimed as 52 distinct Polaroids. The result is a narrative structure that emerged without either of us being responsible for the entire direction.
The drawings themselves were each created in under seven minutes, replicating the length of time that it takes for a Polaroid photograph to develop.
The Polaroids were displayed in sequence at the Centre for Contemporary Art in Preston (2008) alongside the book which depicted the polaroids in a manner reminiscent of a traditional comic. The book also contained innovations in Polaroid representation as each individual object was represented as an integral object, requiring the front and back of the Polroid to be displayed recto and verso.