Apr 17, 2006 13:31
1. When was the last time you drank?
Saturday Night
2. Who was the last person you drank with?
Max, Jordan and Doug-E-Fresh
3. What is your fav. drink?
4. Are you an alcoholic?
Nope, I'm a social drinker, everytime someone says "I'll have a drink" I say so shall I
5. How many drinks does it take you to get drunk?
Depends if its shots or beers, usually 5 or 6 shots or like 7-8 beers
6. What is the last drink you had?
Stella Artois
7. Have you ever gone to school /work drunk?
8. Do you get hangovers?
Only from the whisky or Absinthe
9. When did you start drinking?
Summer of grade 11?
10. Have you ever thrown up on someone cause you were so drunk?
Only myself.
11. What is the craziest thing you have ever done while drunk?
I can't even remember.
12. Have you ever hooked up while you were drunk?
Once, and I wouldn't reccomend it.
13. Do you wish you were drinking right now?
A pint of the black would go down a treat.
14. Have you ever been so drunk that you dont remember what happened?
Yeah, luckily someone filled me in (pun intended)
15. What is the worst drink?
16. Do you drink during the week?
17. Has someone asked you to stop drinking?
18. Have you ever been kicked out of a bar?
Yeah, fucking minors!
19. When is the last time you were drunk?
St.Paddy's Day
20. Have you ever been in a fight when you were drinking?
Once or twice, but not for real
21. Does your family drink?
My dad's side does
22. What is your favorite drinking game?
Walking home
23. If you could only drink one drink for the rest of your life, what would it be?
24. Have you ever had a drink named after you?
Yeah, its called the big dick and I reccomend you try it.
25. What is your favorite day of the year for drinking?
You know those ones where the sun comes out?
26. What is the earliest time that you've started drinking?
about 5 minutes after the beerstore opened in bowmanville.
27. What is the longest stretch of time that you've drank (without stopping)?
3 days.
28. Have you ever passed out from drinking?
29. Ever have to go to the hospital because of something alcohol related?
Almost went to the Brantford hospital after a certain barfight with indians.
30. Have a dui/dwi/minor?
No, I don't drink and drive.
31. Have you ever had an interaction with police while under the influence?
Yeah, but either they couldn't tell or they didn't care
32. What are your parent's drinks of choice?
Mum likes white wine, dad likes Blue and Bailey's hot chocolate
33. Ever done a keg stand?
34. Have you ever drank out of a beer bong?
Once, waste of a beer if you ask me.
35. what is your favorite alcohol related beer commercial?
I love the Red Stripe comercials with the Jamaican guy, Red Stripe and Reggae, helping white folks dance since 1965.
36. What's your favorite karoake song?
37. Do you have a favorite bar?
Celtic Pub in St. Cathrine's
38. Have you ever woken up in a strange place after a night of drinking?
Some punk's house in Toronto, and a hotel room that wasn't mine, usually I can drag my arse off home though.
39. What types of alcohol have a bad effect on you?
Tequilla, Absinthe, I hear gin makes you talk with a lisp.
40. What is your favorite hangover cure?
Coca-Cola, Gatorade, Sleep, last night's pizza.