Very interesting little article here on craigslist. This guy is right. Here in our lonely, lonely Western society we have no true "friends". Here we have our networks of acquaintances and buddies, but can any of you really say you have someone you would stick up for when things go bad, and vice-versa? Hell no, that's when you shrug and look the other way, and mutter something like "Sucks to be you" or "Not my problem".
And it's not any of our's ingrained itself into us to behave like this. Part of big city living, I guess...when people are growing up people move around, change schools. Friendships are constantly broken and changed, and we never develop lasting bonds. We are taught to be unique snowflakes, individuals instead of people; which makes people individually strong but never reliant on others growing up. We are taught to compete, fight, screw each other over from a young age. And now we look at our neighbors with suspicion and purposely avoid establishing emotional connections.
One of these days, friend, you and I should go get into trouble. We should get mugged, or get lost in the woods, or go to war together. And after that I think we'll finally understand what the word "friendship" really means.
- Uni