splendorocity application.

Apr 06, 2011 00:20

Player Information:
Name: Raina
Journal: ellysus
Method of Contact: LJ PM | parfaittes (AIM)
Previous characters: NA

Character Information:
Full Name: Uni
Series: Katekyo Hitman Reborn
Canon point: Episode 201 anime-wise, moments before her pacifier lit up and reacts to the 7^3 reaction which creates an impenetrable barrier around Uni (I'm taking her from this point because during the fights, they don't show Uni and what the others she's with are doing often, besides observing the explosions and whatnot from their position)
Age: 14-15, probably? Just around Tsuna and his friends' age, I think.
Species: Human
Appearance/PB: Manga | Anime
Appearance upon arrival: Same as above, albeit looking very worried, scared and confused.

Previous RP memories: None.
Bringing someone along?: Nope!
Character History: Here!

Uni, if it weren't for the duties and responsibilities bestowed upon her, would have been just another young girl, similar to others. She, like any other young girl her age then, enjoyed playing around, had fears that she wanted to overcome, and hopes and dreams that she wanted to reach in the future. She was a very cheerful child, innocent and naive, knowing nothing about her mother and her family's mafia relations.

However, the inevitable came. Uni's mother, Aria, passed away when Uni was just young, and gone was the innocent, naive Uni who knew nothing about the Mafia. Uni learned of the Mafia and the responsibility and leadership role she must take on for the Giglio Nero Famiglia, and she also inherited the Orange Arcobaleno Pacifier from her mother, the Pacifier that has been passed down in their Family for three generations. It was also during that time that she came to know Reborn, whom she knows as her Uncle. However, due to the Giglio Nero losing power, she met with Byakuran and shortly after the meeting, emerged from Byakuran's office with a completely different attitude and personality, her heart being dulled with a powerful drug. She then announced that the two Families will merge and become the Millefiore Family, in which Byakuran would be the head. As a result of the merge, she became bitter and cold-hearted. However, after the first round of Choice, Uni recovered from the drug and went back to her former self, deciding to leave the Millefiore Family and staying with the Vongola so Tsuna and the others could protect her.

Uni is, like Reborn and Lal Mirch said, very similar to her grandmother Luce. She, like her grandmother, tries her best to stay strong and optimistic for her family and friends, even if inside she is troubled and worried about the outcome of things. Uni is actually very sensitive, however she doesn't like to show any of her fears or her doubts about herself and the future, because she doesn't want to have people worrying about her, hindering them and causing them more trouble. Wiping her tears on her sleeve and putting on a smile despite having feelings of fear or pain? She got that from her mother, who in turn got it from Uni's grandmother, Luce. Uni is also a very capable leader, one who will do whatever she can for the betterment of her family and to protect each family member. She is also firm in her beliefs and decisions when it comes to her duties as boss and to what she thinks is best for her famiglia.

The young Arcobaleno boss is very kind-hearted to everyone, even to those she doesn't know well, sometimes even to a fault. She decided to risk her life in meeting with Byakuran, thus resulting in the merging of the Giglio Nero and the Gesso family into the Millefiore just to prevent more bloodshed. However, this also ended in the Millefiore hurting those of the Vongola and taking the lives of innocent people, and Uni being unable to do anything because her heart and her emotions were dulled. Uni cares a lot for the people around her, being very accepting and considerate of other people's feelings and worries, and she does her best to encourage them even when she herself isn't feeling all too well. She is very appreciative of other's efforts, especially when it comes to helping her and protecting her. She will never forget showing her gratitude and thanking those who have shown kindness to her multiple times, even to strangers or people she doesn't know well. Uni is also trusting and has a strong faith in her friends and family, and she encourages and gives strength to those around her in times of crisis, saying to believe and have faith in their comrades even as all of them were worried.

Also, contrary to what Byakuran said about Uni being selfish and that she was only using the Vongola, she is actually very selfless; so selfless in fact that she is willing to risk her life and sacrifice herself if it meant being able to save and protect her friends and those dear to her. It is shown in the series that Uni willingly sacrificed her own life in the other parallel worlds by protecting innocent bystanders, because she didn't want them to be hurt because of her. She also planned on sending everyone back to the past by sacrificing her own life. She would rather be hurt and put her life on the line than have other innocent people hurt because of her. It's not that she doesn't value or thinks little of her life, it's just that in Uni's mind, if lots of people's lives can be saved in exchange for her's, if sacrificing herself could give peace to the world, that would be a good use of her power. She knows and understands her responsibilities as the Sky Arcobaleno, and even when she is scared, she does not let her fears cloud her judgement and her duties. Uni puts the concern and the well-being of other people first before herself (it is seen when she uses her power in one episode to help ease the girls' breathing when they were trapped and held as hostages, even if she knew that it would weaken her). Uni is very compassionate, doing everything that she can in order to help and support those around her.

Uni may come off as mature for her age because of all her duties and responsibilities as the Arcobaleno boss and the Giglio Nero boss. Uni is also very strong, in the sense that despite of all the chaos, all of her responsibilities, all the troubles, all of the fightings, the bloodshed, and even knowing that she has to sacrifice her life in order to achieve a future where there is peace, she can still smile from her heart through her fears and her sorrow, while most girls would not be able to handle it. Just like Reborn said, the Sky Arcobaleno shows more emotion and smiles brighter than anyone else. And Uni, being the Sky Arcobaleno, the boss of the strongest babies, exhibits all that.

Character Abilities: Uni has the power to read people's mind and feelings (this is seen when Genkishi used illusions to fake his defeat against Squalo so that he could kill the remaining Giglio Nero and steal their Mare Rings when their guards were down. However, Uni saw through this and held him back. But, in order to stop the bloodshed, Uni agreed to the union of the two families). It has also been said that she knew what would happen to herself before she met with Byakuran. This ability seems to be expanded to the ability to see the future, although Uni revealed that that ability has been growing weaker. Uni also reveals that, like Byakuran, she also possesses the ability to share her mind with the alternate versions of herself from different parallel worlds. She, like the other Sky Arcobalenos, Aria and Luce, has the power to revive or reconstruct her fellow Arcobaleno who have died temporarily. Additionally, the Tri-Ni-Set seems to respond to Uni's wishes, most likely because she is the boss of the Arcobaleno to which Byakuran stated that the Sky Arcobaleno has much authority over the Tri-Ni-Set. During the Inheritence Ceremony Arc, Timoteo reveals that he knows everything that happened in the Future that Uni sent him through his dreams. Uni only uses her abilities if it will save those around her and if it is necessary to do her duties as boss.

Possessions: The clothes on her back, and the Arcobaleno pacifiers.
Anything else: Nope, I don't think so!

Action/Communication thread/post sample:
[a young girl's face comes on the screen. she looks innocent, vulnerable, but most of all, scared.]

Hello, can anyone hear me? My name is Uni, and I'm... lost. Does anyone know who and where I can find my Uncle Reborn? He looks like a baby in a suit... we've been separated, and I really have to return to him and the others soon. I don't want them to worry... [she had been searching for over an hour and she still hadn't found them. most of the people she asked either didn't answer or didn't know who reborn was. uni was scared, but she still tried her best to stay strong. ]

[tears were slowly beginning to form in her eyes, but she quickly wiped them away with her sleeve. she faced the seal with a smile, albeit a little shaky one.] Please, if someone, if anyone can help me, that would be greatly appreciated.

[now she silently hoped that this seal wasn't one of Byakuran's devices and a tool to capture her.]

Log/Prose sample: Uni stood in fear in the Golden Entranceway of the Splendor City Hall, her arms clutched tightly around her, protecting the pacifiers she had hidden inside her cloak. "Where am I?" she asked herself, for just a second ago, she was in the forest with Uncle Reborn and the others, wishing and praying that everyone would be able to defeat Byakuran and return safely, but now she was in a whole different place. Wait... something else happened. Uni fought to remember the last thing she did before finding herself here. There was a music box nearby that had caught her attention, one that grabbed at her curiosity so much that she couldn't resist taking a look and hearing it's melody, even just for a second. The melody of the music box was beautiful, and even if it was only for a moment, she found herself forgetting all the fights, her fears and her worries, and suddenly, the next moment she found herself here. Uni's eyes widened in fear. Was this all Byakuran's plan? Did he lure her out here through that music box, away from the people who could protect her? Or was this an illusion? No, it seemed too real to be an illusion. "Uncle Reborn? Everyone?" she decided to walk forward cautiously, looking for her companions. She clutched her arms around herself even more tightly, terrified and half-expecting Byakuran to appear anywhere, just like in her dream. No, she had to stop being scared. She had to be strong, so that Sawada-san and the others could go back to the past safely and so that the world would be at peace again. She wouldn't let Byakuran near her or the pacifiers, even if she had to lose her life. Everyone had fought hard to protect her, and she wouldn't let all their efforts go to waste. First things first, Uni told herself. She had to get away somehow and return back to Uncle Reborn and the others. There was no use in making them worry even more about her.