Feb 06, 2007 04:12
So here's about all that I'm really legally allowed to say...
I had a beautiful job with a great company. I loved the people that I worked with and the things I was doing. Well, one day we had a merger. We were all told on the day that the merger was announced back in October that we were all safe, no one was losing their jobs.
6 days ago, I found out that was no exactly true. I recieved a call that basically said "You're done, get your stuff and leave." No warnings, no notice that maybe some people should start brushing off their resumes and getting back into the swing of looking... just straight out the door in 5 minutes. I hadn't even put the phone down before my accesses were cut and I couldn't even get to my email to tell my manager good-bye and to ask for a reference.
So here I am, with no job. I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to work things out. Some people may know I've had a recent finances problem that decided to just never resolve itself and stay in the realm of non-acknowledgement, so you probably know that I'm in a bit of a pickle without a job. Good news is, I'm not entry level and I have multiple professional references... hell, if I wanted a 4 month contract job right now, right this very minute, I have the notice in my inbox. I just don't know if I want to have a lower pay job that doesn't help my career development that I'll have to inevitably leave in 4 months... but its something.
I'm probably going to overdraw by about $50 when my rent check hits the bank and I have 2 kittens that also need a vet visit. I'm eating one meal a day, not from the money like I told a friend, but from the gut ripping stress that started December and has only gotten worse. I get that one meal when I'm distracted enough to not actually be thinking. Hell, I'm not able to sleep right now because everytime I start to relax, I start to think... and then the stress comes back. That's why I'm writing this, kinda hoping to get some of it out and maybe sleep.
In all of this, I'm really thankful for the friends I've got. Jenn for having been there to help cheer me up on a daily basis to actually be able to stomach any kind of nutrients (I'd say a literal life saver at the moment) and for pointing me at some jobs that might do me some good. John for pointing some jobs my way that I might never have applied at. Trey for offering me a free pass to the booze cabinet, which I turned down on the idea that I probably shouldn't have alcohol around me that much, but the thought was well meant. And a great big thanks to my gorgeous partner Kelly, the sight of whom makes me forget that I have any problems and makes me remember that there are some really great things in my life.
My family has tried to help, but despite themselves their complete lack of technical knowledge just leaves me with emails full of jobs that I have no qualifications for beyond the ability to turn on a computer. Wrong software, wrong languages, and certainly not having 10-12 years experience in Mineralogical Surveys. They're trying and that does cheer me up some, but I wish they wouldn't try so hard while I'm trying to apply for a job I am qualified for. And my mother, I really do love her, and at some point I'm going to have to let her know I'm not religious (yeah, that's the nice way to say atheist), but it just gets harder each time. Hell, as I drove home the day after being let go, I sat in my car thinking "I sure hope no one tells me that god has a plan... that's the last thing I want to hear having just lost my job." Well, about 30 minutes into my call home to let them know I lost my job, I get to hear that god has a plan and I just need to go to god and pray for a solution.
Go pray to fix this? No, I need to go to Monster.com and submit resumes, I don't see how prayer is going to fix this. She means well, but damn if my mother hasn't been the best at telling me exactly what I DON'T need to hear in any situation for the past 4 years. Oh well.
I'm out of things to type, as my brain is slowly going to must, but I still don't feel tired. Hell, if any of you read this, you may as well give me a message, I'll probably be awake and brain dead.
Later all.