Title: Morning Glory (Family Portrait, Part II)
Pairing(s): Gary Neville/Ryan Giggs, hints at Nemanja Vidic/Rio Ferdinand and very tiny hints at Alan Smith/Darren Fletcher
Rating: G
Warning(s): Morning grouches; AU. High amounts of silliness.
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything, yadda, yadda, no money made either.
Summary: It’s the start of yet another day in the United family.
Author’s Notes: Because
hiro_chan has made it very clear to me that that not continuing is non-negotiable.
Author’s Notes II: Lauren from the first part has been renamed to Noa. I found it more appropriate, somehow.
If you haven’t read the first episode, you can read it
here. However, you don't have to to get the hang of all this.
Cross-posted to
footballslash and my journal; sorry if you see this more than once.