Random post about my birthday! Ok not so random

Jul 10, 2007 18:21

I love my friends! Haha! (And my family too of course) - for giving me such a memorable day!!

We went for dinner at Seah St. Deli lat Sunday! (And no, it's not 'cos of the name). And my BROTHER, the guy who got me a FREE KOALA PIN (which he got from doing some street survey) for one of my previous birthdays actually got me something DECENT this time. Albeit the fact that it was chosen by his girlfriend. Ok it's the Lance Armstrong book that's about character building or whatever. He actually wanted to get me a career guide but good thing his girlfriend veered him off that course. The other book is from Hong Quan.


2 little horses from Jing! I'm still trying to find a place where they can oscillate in peace.

Big octopus! From Ivan/BeeJ/Jia'En/Yiyan/Weiyang/Siu Chu/Yihui! And a tissue box from Dawn, Huixing and Sonya. and a Topshop T-shirt from Steph and co.

A bear from Shauna! It comes with its own house!

Slippers from Steph and co. And chocolate biscuits from Dawn and co.

Arctic Monkeys! From Tiffy and co.

2 koalas! 1 from Tiffy, Hj and Tabby (the soft toy) and a koala coin bank from BeeJ and co.

Random wrapping paper on which Bee Juan drew lots of koalas on!

And of course, 11% of Shuhui's heart!!! <3

Yay thanks guys for making this day so wonderful! Can't believe I thought it would be uneventful! How could I have doubted my friends hahaha. Thank goodness certain people decided not to sing during Physics lecture or I'd have died. :D:D:D:D:D

Oh and this is the part where I mention the freaking out about GP. French woman had come up to me and was like, "Happy birthday, you'll find out your results soon". So I was thinking,"SHIT this is THE PITS." And then I got back my essay. 28/50. Which is like a low C. So I started panicking. I thought I'd finish with an overall C or something because compre isn't exactly my forte. To my relief! I got above 40 for like the first time ever! Probably the last time ever too. Sighh but that was so scary for awhile. Sonya and Tiffy did really really well though for both components so yay! for them! And I have concluded that the French woman is quite strict when marking 'cos Mf's class was marked by her and she got quite a lot lower than her usual... Stupid French woman. But she was quite happy today cos my class did quite well overall for GP so she wasn't too bad. Plus GP wasn't as boring as usual because I got to read Sonya and Tiffy's wonderful essays which were really interesting! And we got back Phys Geog and Physics too meaning we're done with our CT results except for the Lit people in my class because obviously Lit dept is largely comprised of the GP dept meaning they take their time marking. I don't really like the GP dept, as you can see. And then H3 Math happened. You see they stupid teachers double-booked the LT meaning J1 H3 Physics and J2 H3 Math venues clashed. And for some reason, us J2s, who are older and have LOWER metabolism, older and weaker bones and muscles and have to sit for a wonderful exam known as the A levels this year and are desperately running out of time, were displaced and moved to LT6 of all LTs. Quite ridiculous yeah? Sheesh.
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