The Entralink is the starting place for all the new trainers, who've been brought in to the world of Pokemon. It's located at the center of Unova, and is said to be a gate to other worlds. However, due to recent events, it's gotten... glitchy, and unable to send people back to their home dimentions. The ruler of the Entralink has a few schemes to get the trainers home, but they're not guanteed.
With the glitchiness of the Entralink, you may ask how the otherworlders can leave it. Well, there's a few links still working from the Entralink. These few links are to Nuvema Town, the town of starters, and Nimbasa City, the entertainment center of Unova. However, as time goes on, more links will be repaired and more places will be teleport-able to. Yeah.
Route 1;
Two days to Accumula Town. Four days (with Surf) to Route 17.
Route 2;
Three days to Striaton City/Accumula Town.
Route 3;
Four days to get to Narcrene City/Striaton City. One day (from Striaton City) to get to Wellspring Cave.
Pinwheel Forest;
It takes two days to get though if you don't get lost or stray from the path. However, if you stray from the path, it can take up to two weeks to find the exit, depending on how lucky you are.
Skyarrow Bridge;
It takes a whole eight hours to cross if you're walking.
Route 4;
A week to get to Nimbasa/Castelia. Five days to get to the Desert Resort.
Desert Resort;
It takes one day (if you don't get lost in the sandstorm) to get to the Relic Castle. However, the Relic Castle is closed except for the first floor right now.
Route 5;
Two day to pass though to the Driftveil Drawbridge.
Driftveil Drawbridge;
Four hours by foot. Note that wild Ducklett do appear - they're weak ones, though, and pretty rare.
Route 6;
Six days to cross, towards both driftveil and chargestone cave. With surf, it takes three days from either end to get to Mistralton Cave.
Chargestone Cave;
How long does it take to get though the cave, without exploring? Five days. If you want to explore all of it? Two weeks.
Route 7;
One week to get to Twist Mountain, if you head though the grass. five days if you use the walkways. Three days to get to Celestial tower.
Twist Mountain;
One week at the very least. Three at the very most. It's a confusing system of caves, after all.
Route 8;
Two days to get to the Tubeline Bridge. Two days to get to the Moor of Icirrus.
Tubeline Bridge;
Half a day to cross.
Route 9;
Two days to Opelucid - and a day either way to get to Challenger's Cave. Of course, I wouldn't recommend going there for a while, but there's nothing stopping you from going there!
Route 10;
Five days to get to the Badge Check gates. No, there is no way to avoid the badge checks. As for that place? Two hours.
Victory Road;
Two weeks at the very least. Hey, you've gotta be tough to challenge the Elite Four.
Route 11;
It takes three days to get to the Village Bridge from Route 11, and vice-versa.
Route 12;
Nice, flat planes. Perfect places for training for PokeAthlons, amirite? Anyhow, it takes around three days to get to either Lacunosa Town or the Village Bridge.
Route 13;
Route 13 is a long place! From Lacunosa, it takes two days to get to the Giant Chasm, and it takes a week to get to Undella Town!
Route 14;
WELCOME TO THE FOG. Anyhow, it takes a week to get from Undella to Black City.
Route 15;
From here, it takes a week to get from Black City/White Forest to the Marvelous Bridge.
Marvelous Bridge;
This bridge takes twelve hours to cross! To give you time to marvel at it, of course. Because it is MARVELOUS. And also a bridge.
Route 16;
Two days to Lostlorn Forest, four days to the Marvelous Bridge.
Lostlorn Forest;
Lostlorn Forest takes a whole week to see all of it.
Route 17;
Requires Surf. Three days to Route 18.
Route 18;
Requires Surf and Strength. Two days to explore the whole Route.
Information on each city is
A week (at the least) to fully explore. Beware of really powerful Pokemon, if you try going into the ruins of the buildings!
Wellspring Cave;
Requires Surf and Flash. Takes three days to fully explore.
Cold Storage;
Four days to fully explore.
Mistralton Cave;
With both Surf and Flash, it takes four days to explore. However, the lowest floor is currently unable to be accessed. Massive rock fall, you see.
Celestial Tower;
It takes up to four days to get to the top - especially with all those ghosts attacking you and all. Using repels, however... it only takes a day to climb up the tower.
Dragonspiral Tower;
Closed to the public. Unable to be visited right now - but the outsides are pretty nice, anyhow. There's grass and everything!
Moor of Icirrus;
Four days to fully explore it.
Challenger's Cave;
This is one of the largest cave systems in all the Pokemon World - filled with monsters who attack horribly and the like. And it takes a month to see all of it - you'd best be prepared!
Undella Bay;
Ah, the nice sea. If you're aiming to get to the Abyssal Ruins - and if you have Dive - it'll take a minimun of three days to get to the spot where you have to go. That is, if you know where to go.
Abyssal Ruins;
And when you get into these ruins? Well... unlike everywhere else, there's a time limit for how long you can stay underwater before your air bubble bursts and you're shoved outside by water and the like. And that time limit? Eight hours. Good luck~!
Abundant Shrine;
The Abundant Shrine... it's a nice place, which only takes five days to fully explore to the shrine. The Pokemon are docile, too!
Giant Chasm;
Just like Challengers Cave, this place is dangerous. Really dangerous. And there's several parts... the cave part takes a week to explore, and the grassy part inside, the place where the Pokemon are terrified of humans and are ready to attack people... well, it takes two weeks to see it all.