Title: Victim of Villainy
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters: Mike Yates, Third Doctor, Brigadier
Prompt: 094. Independence.
Word Count: 3115
Rating: K+
Summary: Mike had told the Doctor he was alright after his processing by the BOSS was broken… but he wasn’t; not really.
Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own OCs, should I create any for these stories. Dialogue and corresponding scenes are lifted directly from the serial (Episodes 5 and 6, specifically).
Author’s Note: Set during/after The Green Death. This serial showed us the beginning of Mike Yates’ demise, but didn’t really go into depth at all as to how the events affected him at the time (the next view we have of Mike is in the novel Deep Blue, set six months later). My goal is to get more inside Mike’s head during the serial (hence why some scenes from the serial have been novelized) and then show the immediate aftermath, bridging the gap between the serial and the novel. There is also a reference to the Big Finish audio drama The Rings of Ikiria, but it basically explains itself.
It was supposed to be a simple assignment.