Title: Benton vs. Benton
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters: John Benton, Inferno!Benton, Third Doctor, Brigadier
Prompt: 078. Where?
Word Count: 661
Rating: K+
Summary: Nothing was more surreal than being held hostage by your own doppelgänger.
Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own OCs, should I create any for these stories.
Author’s Note: Set sometime before the serial Inferno for Parallel!Benton, and some indeterminate amount of time in-between Inferno and Terror of the Autons for our Benton.
Not entirely sure how I feel about how this turned out, but then again, I don't really know what I was expecting when I got the idea of UNIT!Benton facing off against Inferno!Benton. Hopefully you like it, though.
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