Jul 26, 2005 09:13
Sometimes people just really piss me off.
So I get this call from the information desk stating that there is a big meeting with FBI and Homeland Security "really important people." They noticed that two black bags were left outside of their room and have been watching it for the past half an hour. Obviously they're getting a little concerned, since apprently it's pretty important people so I'm called to go check on the "suspicious bags."
I take one look at the bags and determine that it's a lab top and a book bag. (yay for the intelligent government officials) I take it back to the office and find out that it's a VERY nice Dell lap top and an equally as nice ipod, complete with all hook up cables for both pieces of equipment. While on the phone with dispatch trying to determine who it belongs too by using a pay stub found inside the bag, this guy comes in, rudely interupts my call and says, "You just took my bags." I told him that I was called over there to investigate some suspicious bags by the fucking FBI and Homeland Security who had been watching the bags for almost an hour. He says, "I left it outside for 10 minutes tops and when I came out I was told you took it." I responded by telling him he had a lot of nice equipment inside that could have been taken (still TRYING to be nice), but not to worry, I got there before a thief did and that everything was secure. His attitude, increasingly becoming worse, he grabs his bags (after I checked his ID) and leaves, not bothering to say "Thank you." I guess it was an inconvience to him to have to walk all the way across the parking lot to our air conditioned office and retrieve what should have been stolen. I've come to expect people's shitty attitudes because it's a nice barrier to coward behind when you're just completely stupid. Oh well, comes with the territory and gave me something to do. I can't really complain. :) I do find it rather amusing that it's so much easier to blame the police for your mistakes than to accept it yourself.