New Year's Meme!

Jan 01, 2008 12:40

1. Where did you begin 2007?
On a rooftop in Xela, Guatemala, blowing up a water pipe with a bottle rocket.

2. What was your status by valentine's day?
Deep in law school crap. Having a truly terrible V-Day with Shaheen. Going to the chili cookout and fighting with him.

3. Were you in school (anytime this year)?
For the whole first five months. Then I graduated. Now, I plan not to go back for many years.

4. Did you have to go to the hospital?
Yes, but just because normal doctors in this crazy city have million-year waits for first-time patients.

5. Did you have any encounters with the police?
Lots. My personal favorites were:
Ithaca festival. Cops started harassing a young black man for walking his sweet pit bull through the Commons. They weren't harassing the dozens of white people with their labs and cocker spaniels and poodles. I intervened. So did some crazy middle aged ladies who were screaming at him that he was practicing animal cruelty because his dog's collar was a chain. They called the ASPCA. I told him to get out of there since the police weren't detaining him.

Nighttime on Bourbon street. Cops start harassing a young black man and an old black man because they're sitting on a stoop. I stand there and watch them violate the Constitution. Eventually they let the guys go. Hopefully they cleaned up their act a little because I was standing there blatantly watching them.

6. Where did you go on vacation?
New York!

7. Did you purchase an item that was over $500?
Andy's answer pretty much covers it - my tuition. My elliptical machine cost a few hundred but not more than $500. OH! I bought my crap-car! That was a nice chunk of my bank account.

8. Did you know anybody who got married?
DOUGIE GOT ENGAGED!!!! JUST NOW!!!!! And VK got engaged. And just about everybody from my law school got engaged to each other.

9. Did you know anybody who passed away?
Not this year, thankfully. Last year was the big year o' death.

10. Did you move anywhere?
From Ithaca to New Orleans. Whoopee!

11. Did you attend any sporting events?
No. Sports suck. But I wouldn't have sneezed at a Yankees game. And I'm trying to get into college football and the Saints.

12. What concerts did you go to?
Kermit Ruffin. Rebirth Jazz Band. Lots of other New Orleans jazz concerts. Cornell Cabaret.

13. Describe your birthday:
I didn't tell my coworkers that it was my birthday but they found out anyway and got me cupcakes. It was sweet.
I also had my birthday / goodbye NY brunch in NYC. Shaheen was a dick. He ruined the day.

14. What was the one thing you said you would not do but did in 2007?
Leave Shaheen.

15. What has been your favorite moment(s)?
Fireworks last night at the river.
Moments laughing or talking with friends.
Kissing Shaheen under the fireworks at the start of the year.
When I first met Xela.
Watching Xela grow from a beautiful puppy to a beautiful dog.
When I first met Kita.
My mommy caring for me when I was sick.
Graduation with Uwe there.
Adrienne and Andy becoming a thing.
Long rambling hikes with puppy-Xela through the woods.
Kita getting used to Bourbon Street.
Meeting my new co-workers.
Hot-tubbing and Juan's Flying Burrito after taking the bar.
Pulling together with my co-workers after we all failed the bar.
Getting my first client out of jail.
Getting every client that I got out of jail, out of jail.
Falling for Dave.

16. Any new additions to your family?
Xela. Kita. My girls.

17. What was your best month?
May was pretty nice. It's nice to graduate from law school. The weather was beautiful and I got to hike a lot. I didn't know that Shaheen was a cheating lying bastard.

18. Who has been your best drinking buddy?
Don't have one.

19. Made new friends?
Yes. Also made new acquaintances who I hope will become friends.

20. Favorite Night out?
Not sure. Teddy's Halloween party was pretty awesomely fun. And I met Dave.

21. Overall, how would you rate this year?
Huge with the changes. I got a dog. I totaled my car. I got a new car. I finished law school. I moved across the country. I failed the bar, along with the rest of my co-workers. I started fostering a second dog. I met Dave. I found out Shaheen wasn't who I thought he was. I broke up with Shaheen. I started a relationship with Dave. I started studying for the bar again. I adopted my second dog. I got clients out of jail.

22. Other than home, where did you spend most of your time?
In the Zen office of Zen awesome.
Law school.
South Hill Recreation Way.
Dave's house.

23. Change your hairstyle?
It grew and changed color a few times.

24. Have any car accidents?
Yes, it was terrifying. I blame Shaheen.

25. How old did you turn this year?

26. Do you have a new year's resolution?
I made lots at Jewish New Year, but they're private and personal. My public ones:
Get more clients out of jail. Pass the bar. Stay in touch with my friends even though they're on the other side of the country.

27. Do anything embarrassing?
I probably said a lot of really, really ignorant things.

28. Buy anything new from eBay?
I don't buy from ebay.

29. Get married or divorced?
Shaheen and I used to joke that it was like we were married. Luckily we weren't. He can't have half my stuff. Not his.

30. Get arrested?
No, but my clients did.

31. Be honest - did you watch American Idol?
Fuck no.

32. Did you get sick this year?
Just got over the flu. And a mystery infection just before that. Assorted colds.

33. Been snowboarding?
Oooh that sounds fun and painful!

34. Are you happy to see 2007 go?
It was a year of mixed blessings. I'm glad I lived through it.

35. Been naughty or nice?
YES and yes.
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