I just found out today for sure that my grandmother passed away. The information came after some web sleuthing by my mother.
I received a strange email from my father late last week, containing only a picture of her drinking tea. I responded, and he wrote back a cryptic message about a funeral, and sent a "more recent" picture...
I still wasn't sure. I asked him whether she had passed away, and he never wrote back.
This is the obituary my mom found... I'm not sure if my comment in her online guest book will make it to the website, so here's what I wrote:
"She was an old memory from when I was little, and a newer memory from when I was grown. She was a picture hanging on my wall. She was a disembodied voice on the phone after surprise phone calls from my father. Most recently, she was a trickle of concern and loss at the back of my mind, as I have been unsure for the last week or so whether or not she was still alive.
She was my grandmother, and I loved her in my own way."
I couldn't say much more than that, without bringing in all the fucked up family dynamics that are inextricably linked with her in my mind.