May 01, 2007 09:02
I'm tired of the media portraying people with mental illness as crazy people who are going to shoot up others in schools. The VT tragedy was horrible indeed. Yet the media is pointing fingers at the "crazies" and saying all the information kept by the psychiatrists should be released for schools to see whether so-and-so has such-and-such and whether they pose a threat. That's invasion of privacy and breaks doctor/patient confidentiality. A guy on the news says these documents are the "perfect place to start" when it comes to investigating for the safety of others. Those files are personal, and isn't it also the obligation of the psychiatrist as to whether a patient poses a threat to themselves or others? Isn't it the psychiatrists obligation to know if a patient is attending school with certain disorders and will try to help that person function as efficiently as possible to move forward in their own lives and help them to get their own education? Bah, I just hate how there's a stigma being attached to individuals who are suffering with mental illness and making it seem like their the next one to storm into a school with a gun.
There's been a link between these troubled students, and the fact that they were all bullied. HULLO. I don't understand why more teachers aren't trained to recognize bullying and the effects it can have on individuals. I'm not blaming the teachers, but I think if more of the focus was put on helping bullies find better ways of dealing with their problems, and helping victims learn to walk away and feel good about themselves, then there would be less of a chance of students being pushed to the edge and feeling like there's no other way out. I don't understand why when there's quiet kids in a classroom, that a lot of teachers will say they "behave well in class" and "listen attentively", when what they're really doing is sitting there immersed in their own thoughts of the abuse they suffer at home, on the playground, worrying about their parents divorce, worrying about whether they'll eat that night. I don't get it. I know that children do get help sometimes, but I also feel that there's other children who don't, because of the plain fact that the adults around them don't know how to recognize when there's a child who's in emotional distress, and also if they did see it, would not know what to do about it. And then the media wonders why these kids grow up suffering with mental illness and end up at the brink of their sanity and they just lose it.
sigh. my rant lol.