
Aug 01, 2006 23:02

Bailey's flavored ice cream is one of the best things ever.

I got a bit of tan unintentionally today. it made me happy.

I love my friends.

Things I have to do to my car before I leave:
get the oil changed
get everything else tuned up (basically make sure it can run)
set off a bug bomb. yay.

So I'm going to Aquinas tomorrow for registration, then mom and sister Jennifer and I are spending the night in Saugatuck for an early birthday celebration for mom. I'll be back sometime thursday night.

it's only two days, but it feels like I'll be gone for a long time. so feel free to call my cell phone or text me or something. I'll probably be sick of my mom before we even get there. That may soubd mean, but w/e it's true. and she'll probably be sick of my sister just as quickly and vice versa. we're so loving lol. but no, I exaggerate slightly. we fight and stuff, but it could be worse.

So I'm kind of afraid fo college. Not the classes or anything, I think i can probably handle the work decently enough. I'm worried about the change. I'm worried about leaving my friends. And with watching my mom, I'm not sure if she scares me more or comforts me. For instance, before recently she hadn't seen arthur's parents for prolly over ten years or so. if we hadn't gone to school together, who knows how long it would have been before they saw each other again. and her friend from high school that lives in CA called today. She probably hasn't seen her in five or ten years either. Is that going to be me? not seeing my friends for decades at a time? but then again, she has been reunited with some of her friends. I mean, she's still talking to her best friend from high school, however infrequently. maybe friends that god are hard to escape.
and I keep hoping that it's because she didn't put in any effort to keeping in touch and that I can be different and can put in enough effort to keep in touch with people. but then again....what if I just get to busy and carried away with things? it's happened before.
And I know that things change and it's a part of life and blah blah blah....but does it have to be? idk. I just love what I have right now and it's hard to let it go. Most people probably feel the same way, but I felt like I had to vent because I was thinking about it earlier tonight. and I leave in only two weeks. it's just coming up so fast.

sorry bout that. I just need to organize my thoughts every once in a while.
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