Jan 19, 2004 21:34
I totally just had a revelation. Must have been that acid I took just a few minutes ago. The picture known as my default picture is a metaphor for my romantic life thus far. No matter how far I stick my tongue out I get laughed at. Let me expound upon this very enigmatic sentence. No matter how hard I try, no matter what I do, no matter who the person is (:-* love ya Shniz) I can't get what I really want out of girl's I like. A relationship is all I ask. A time period for just a female and I. No physical relationship whatsoever. The latter part of the sentence says that I really am more of a spectacle or a joke to my prospective dates. Hopefully it will all change.
"I was told never to say this but it's appropriate. And now for a change of pace," said the goat fucker. Martin Luther King's Day is a fucking joke. We don't celebrate civil rights (which we all know I am all for. HA! Black Power!!) or the abolition of segragation. We celebrate a day off an extra day to not go to work or school.
No one even understands it's meaning either. I was at a convention to commememorate the man and his work. It began with God Bless America and was followed by the missing man ceremony. This is a tradition where they set a table for POW/MIAs and explain the significance. Is this not a little out of place. Perhaps more at home in a Veteran's Day ceremony.
The next speaker was actually part of the Civil Rights Movement in the '60s. With as groovy as this is, half of his speech was about how great G Dub-Yah is for the inner-city (::SHAKES FIST ANGRILY:: WE LIVE IN MANCHESTER NH. WE DON'T HAVE A GHETTO. FUCK!!!!) the other half was him telling the gruesome details of Bloody Sunday on the first Montogomery March which he was at.
NOT ONE SPEAKER SAID SOMETHING ALONG THE LINES OF, "CIVIL RIGHTS IS GOOD!" AT LEAST. WHAT THE FUCK. BLOODY HELL!! Maybe I'm out of line. Because I certainly don't understand the holiday either. Sorry, to all of those who I have just offended. Once again sorry, bank holiday, that's what I meant to say.
Not a racist!