
Mar 15, 2012 14:50

So I have been seeing a man for about 2-3 months now. I have terrible past experiences (which I know we all do) but my past has literally made it so hard for me to not ruin a relationship because of my insecurities. I just don't know how to change my thought process or make it so I don't relate certain things back to my past. I know this is kind of a stupid question but I really feel like I have tried and I am not succeeding at all. The smallest things set me off to the FULLEST. . . For example he texts me and I text RIGHT back .... then 2 hours later I get a message sorry its hard to text I am playing video games....WTF. Is he serious. What makes him think as an adult I will deal with that. Am I over reacting?

relationship issues, confused

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