haha... i find myself funny.

Dec 11, 2006 22:55

So just to let you know... nothing beyond the first date with David... and at this point i don't care anymore. Michelle told me a theory one of her friends had on dating: She wasn't going to do any of the pursuing. if a guy liked her, he was going to have to pursue her, because she was worth it. that kinda eases the pressure. before i would think, "well, what can i do to make him like me" or something stupid like that, but now i realize that i am God's little Princess and i deserve the best, and someone who is willing to fight for me. i should never settle for less.

i didn't think i was settling with David... but i guess i was wrong. We haven't talked in a couple of weeks. i think he likes someone else back in texas... good for him. maybe i won't have to talk to him next semester. we probably won't have the mutual chemistry class, so we won't need to talk. that's sad. i think that's the saddest part for me. i want to be friends with him, but at this point since he's been giving me the cold shoulder i don't know if that's even possible. i thought you were supposed to make new friends in College. well i guess that's what Darlena is. and i'm totally blessed to have her in my life. i love that little girl to death.

I'm really stressed out right now. and it's not from finals or the true school aspect of school. it's money. and i hate to say that cuz i feel like i'm idolizing money, and i don't want that to be the case. But i have to pay for New Zealand, which is expensive, Hawaii, Retreat, Car accident crap, and second semester tuition... and the only huge income i have is the VA checks. i haven't really worked for Bill for a month now, i've been buying food to feed myself. and now it's Christmas time. So, that's more money leaving the bank, and not going in.

in good news, after tonight i will have a month off of school. so hopefully i'll be able to work for Bill. Michelle thinks i should get a seasonal job.. it's a good idea, but i know i won't be here from the 26-30 and that's kinda a crucial time to be working ya know? aiyah... i don't know what to do. i'm kinda looking forward to just relaxing for the next month. then i can read a bunch of books i've been wanting to read. i guess we'll see.
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