May 26, 2005 19:37
Well, it's official. The 2004/2005 school year has come to an end. Tomorrow morning I go back for a PTA breakfast and to turn in my keys and stuff. All in all I can say this year was very educational. I learned a lot about education and myself. I learned a lot more of what I believe about education and how I feel about certain things. I also learned more about politics. Even though I had some problems this year, it was never my students, which leads me to believe that although there isn't a chance in hell I'd ever teach resource again, I'm still meant for teaching. I loved being with the kids.
Tomorrow I have a job interview. This interview is my DREAM JOB! I've wanted to do this since I was in college and this is working with autistic children. I worked with my first autistic child 3 yrs. ago and fell in love with him. I also had the privilege of spending a semester teaching a classroom of autistic children. I absolutely loved doing it and I really hope I get this job. I'm so scared I won't, but I'm trying to keep positive.
I'll let you know how it goes.