Mar 15, 2007 16:12
It's one I did for some profile for BBW's, it seemed to get me by who I was pretty good.
Definitely Yellow
Congratulations, Michelle, you are a YELLOW personality with the driving Core Motivation of FUN. This does not mean that you are constantly looking for a party (although you usually do know where to find one!). You are instinctively happy and gravitate to people and situations that provide carefree adventure and playful interactions. Even under the most serious of circumstances or daunting tasks, you and your YELLOW (buddies/girlfriends), will seek an element of personal fulfillment and spontaneous enjoyment in the experience. Spontaneous play and genuine "in the moment" FUN are not merely important to you - they are as essential to your very being as eating.
As a YELLOW, you are inviting and embrace life as a party that you're hosting. You love playful interaction and can be extremely sociable. You are highly persuasive and seek instant gratification. YELLOWS need to be adored and praised, especially by their partners. While you are carefree, you are quite sensitive and highly alert to others' agendas to control you. You carry within yourself the gift of a good heart, and are happy to share it with your significant other.
As a YELLOW, Michelle, you need to look good socially, and friendships command a high priority in your life. You are happy, articulate, engaging of others and crave adventure. Easily distracted, you can never sit still for long. You embrace each day in the "present tense" and choose people to be around who, like you, enjoy a curious nature.
The Color Code is Motive-based
You need to know that The Color Code works and is the best tool on the market today, because it is based on human motivations (why you do what you do) rather than on human behaviors (what you do). Behavior (for example, the way you act in a chat room or on a date) can be imitated, copied, or faked, but if you know the true motivation behind the behavior (what is driving the person to behave as they do), you already have a very clear picture of what that person is all about.
Your personality type is driven by only ONE of four Core Motives, represented by the colors:
RED (Core Motive = Power, or the ability to move from "a" to "b" as efficiently as possible)
BLUE (Core Motive = Intimacy, this doesn't mean sex, but the need to connect, share feelings, and build relationships with others)
WHITE (Core Motive = Peace, or calm even in the midst of conflict; clarity in the midst of confusion)
YELLOW (Core Motive = Fun, or always enjoying the moment)
And of course, I'm lowest on blue. Not that I don't care, just hard for me to express that!
Core Color = Yellow
yellow: 43%
white: 27%
red: 21%
blue: 10%
Yellows Are
Carefree Charismatic
Enthusiastic Forgiving
Happy Hopeful
Lively Optimistic
Outgoing Playful
Positive Sociable
Spontaneous Trusting
Then at the end, you can get a comprehensive analysis for only $29.99. Oh of course. I'll pass, that was interesting but not that interesting-lol