Mar 04, 2007 23:44
Is it wrong that I got excited when the news said something about a torso found in a suitcase that washed up on the shore of some beach? I am fascinated with crime and murder but there is more to it. I won't watch a movie that is full of killing. Well.. I don't like movies where people are running away from a killer who is out to get them and usually does get them. I'm not down with being scared. I'm into movies like seven. All the killings and bad stuff has already happened. The people in the movie are just coming upon the bad stuff. I dont mind the gruesome stuff as long as I don't see it happening. Does that make sense? I think it does.
Ryan and I have made some new friends. Its all happening rather quickly but they have seemed to have accepted us very happily. Its nice to be invited places like bars and to dinner. Everyone I know is either busy or just can't think of anything to do. They're all so nice. Speaking of bars, we got invited to go to The Breakfast Club. If you can't tell, its an eighties club/bar. The only thing that made it ok was that fact that they modernized the music. Added beats and stuff. I danced quite a bit. Damn those shoes, DD. Haha. Our weekends used to be so boring. This weekend we're going to the Seaside St. Patrick's day parade. Should be fun. Yay for drinking.
So my hair making business is off to a very slow start.
My little Tiny is sleeping on the bed in front of me. She makes me smile. She is my little girl. I may never have kids in my life but I want to always have a cat. At least one. Ahh, I cried for Murdock, I dont know what i'm going to do when it happens to Tiny or Buttons. At least I have a good few years before I have to worry.
Man, I need furniture in my bedroom. I can't wait till ryan moves in. That way we can go bedroom furniture shopping. Actually, I'm thinking we'd better go before he moves in because there is no place for him to put his stuff. lol.
This is the most I've written in here in a long time.